Page 39 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
P. 39

Private Life Insurance

         Companies       NewsNews

           HDFC Life receives Sebi`s        Kotak Life Insurance aims at 25-30% growth in
           nod for IPO
                                            Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance expects  products. So, tied agency channel
           HDFC Life Insurance Company has
                                            its premiums to grow at 25-30 per  would focus more on savings products
                               r eceiv e d
                                            cent this year, according to Sudhakar  while the bancassurance channel
                               approval of  Shanbhag, Chief Investment Officer.  would focus on ULIPs.
                               SEBI to go   "Year to date, our growth
                               ahead to     is 37 per cent and the                        Explaining the logic behind
                                                                                          the move, Sudhakar said,
                               raise an es-  full-year growth should                      "We observe that based on
                               timated Rs.  be between 25 and 30                          the construct of the agency
                               7,500 crore  per cent," he said.                           channel, the nature of
           through an initial public offering.  In FY17, premium growth                   people who get hired and
           HDFC Life had filed draft papers  for the company was at                       their affinity, the probabil-
                                            29 per cent, faster than                      ity of selling traditional
           with SEBI in August and obtained its
                                            the industry growth of 21                     products which are not
           "observations" on October 13,
                                            per cent. New business premium     market linked is higher compared to
           which is necessary for any company
                                            stood at Rs. 2,850 crore and renewal  banca." Making a strong case for ULIP
           to launch public offer.
                                            premium, at Rs. 2,290 crore. The com-  products as a good investment option
           The public issue comprises sale of  pany reported profit of Rs. 324 crore  over mutual funds, Sudhakar recalled
           1,91,246,050 equity shares, amount-  on total premium income of Rs. 5,140  the pitch he had made to a 70-year-old
           ing to 9.55 per cent stake, by HDFC  crore in FY17.                 agent who also sold mutual funds.
           Ltd and up to 1,08,581,768 scrips, or  Sudhakar said of the regular premium,  ULIPs, he said, were a good option for
           5.42 per cent, holding by Standard  about 35 per cent is from unit-linked  wealth creation designed to provide a
           Life Mauritius, according to the draft  insurance policies (ULIPs) and the rest  systematic way of investing over long
                                            from traditional products. "Within re-  tenures. He said, " ULIPs offer asset al-
           red herring prospectus (DRHP) filed
                                            tail, 20-25 per cent of the regular pre-  location freedom with varying percent-
           with SEBI.
                                            mium comes from single-premium po-  ages for equity based on an individual's
           Currently, HDFC owns 61.41 per   lices. At a broad level, of the total pre-  risk appetite and also offers a self-re-
           cent stake in HDFC Standard Life  mium, about 50 per cent is from   balancing or switching for one asset
           and Standard Life has about 34.86  group insurance business," he said.  class to another with no cost or tax im-
           per cent, while the remaining is  The company is keeping its distribu-  plications. "The cap on charges on ULIP
           with employees and PremjiInvest.  tion bets evenly balanced between  products is at 3 per cent up to 10 years
                                            bancassurance and agency with about  and 2.25 per cent beyond. If we do a
           According to merchant banking
                                            50 per cent coming from both chan-  simple math of total cost borne by a
           sources, the initial public offer (IPO)
                                            nels. But there is customer segmenta-  policyholder, the same would be on par
           is expected to be worth Rs. 7,500  tion here with each channel catering  or lower than that paid for other finan-
           crore.                           to a different group with appropriate  cial intermediation."

         Life Insurance Today                        November 2017                                            39

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