Page 42 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
P. 42
Glossary & Poll
Life Insurance Glossary Poll of the Month
Do you think recent IPO’s of insurance compa-
Home Office: nies would help to increase awareness about
The headquarters of an insurance company. insurance companies
Home Office Urine Specimen (HOS): Yes No Can’t Say
A full-screen urine test that an insurance company may re-
quire of applicants during the underwriting process. The HOS Results of Poll in our October 2017 Issue
typically tests for the presence of alcohol, drugs or nicotine
in the system, as well as medical disorders. Do you think IRDA should open customer
grievance centre to help customers in lodging
Home Health Care: complaint
Medical care provided by trained personnel in the patient's
home for patients who do not need the more extensive Yes- 100 % No- 00 % Can’t Say- 00 %
treatment provided by a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or
You may send your views to :
extended care facility, or for patients who are not capable Poll Contest
of going to a medical facility for outpatient care. Life Insurance Today.
25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7, India
Hospice: Tel : 2218-4184, Fax : 033-22736612 SMS : 9830171022
A program that provides care to the terminally ill.
Appearing in Licentiate Examination
Hospital: (As per New Syllabus)
A facility which is licensed by the proper authority in the Presenting for the first time in India a reliable and tested
jurisdiction in which they are located and provides inpatient coaching solution from the house of The Insurance Times, a
services for the care and treatment of patients. renowned name in the field of insurance education. After
closely studying the needs of students appearing for the
examinations of Insurance Institute of India our research
Incidents of Ownership:
team has prepared this excellent set of guide materials. This
Various rights that may be exercised under the policy con- book will cover objective type questions and answers as per
tract by the policy owner. Some of the incidents of owner- current syllabus and shall include questions of last 10
ship may include rights: (1) to cash-in the policy, (2) to re- previous terms (only objective questions)
ceive a loan on the cash value of the policy, and (3) to change Subjects :
the beneficiary designation. Life Insurance General Insurance
01 Principles of Insurance 01 Principles of Insurance
Incontestability Clause: 02 Practice of Life Assurance 11 Practice of General Insurance
A life insurance policy provision that states after the policy 14 Regulations on Insurance 14 Regulations on Insurance
has been in force for a specified period of time, the com- Cost: `` `` ` 650 each book including delivery charges
pany cannot deny a claim based on a material misrepresen- Licentiate Exam Mock Test
tation made in the application. The typical period of time for
Insurance Training Centre, wing of The Insurance Times is
the clause is two years. pleased to announce the launch of online Mock Tests for
Licentiate exams. Each course contains mock test for each
Inspection Report: chapter followed by a final Mock Test covering all the
A report sometimes required by an insurance company in chapters. After completing this online you can assess your
conjunction with the underwriting of an application for cov- level of preparedness and if required you can brush up
erage. The report typically includes information pertaining again in order to score good marks. `` `` `300/- each paper.
to the applicant's occupation, health history and financial Combo Offer : 3 Books plus Online Mock Test for 3
status. The report is usually completed by the insurance papers worth `` `` `900/- total value `` `` `2850/- :
company or an investigative agency. Pay only `` `` `1420/-
42 November 2017 Life Insurance Today
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