Page 41 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
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Insurance Regulatory
and Development
Authority of India NewsNews
NCFE's National Financial Literacy Assessment Test Inclusion of Indemnity
(NCFE-NFLAT) 2017-18 based Health Insurance
NISM (National Institute of Securities Markets), invites all school students of class Product through PoS -
VI to XII to participate in the National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NFLAT
2017-18) conducted by the National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE). General Insurers and
Standalone Health Insurers
NCFE is a joint initiative of all financial sector regulators i.e. RBI, SEBI, IRDAI
and PFRDA to implement the National Strategy for Financial Education and is The Authority has received requests
currently being incubated at NISM. from many insurers to allow indem-
nity based health insurance products
About NCFE-NFLAT 2017-18:
to be sold through Point of Sale
The test is available in 3 categories i.e. NFLAT Junior (Class 6 to 8), NFLAT (Class (POS). On examination of the request
9 and 10) and NFLAT Senior (Class 11 and 12). Schools having adequate IT fa- made, the Authority under the pow-
cilities can conduct the test in their own premises. ers vested with it under clause
Registrations for all 3 categories are open. The schools are encouraged to reg- V(1)(f), of the said guidelines, has
ister themselves online. Subsequent to the school registration, students' reg- decided to allow individual indemnity
istrations are to bedoneby the respective schools. Each school has to invigilate based health insurance products to
the test for their own students and any assistance required for the test shall be solicited through PoS channel with
the following conditions:-
be provided by NCFE team. The test is free of cost.
i) The indemnity based health in-
The schools can register by following the link - surance products may be offered
Important dates: to only individual policyholders
Particulars Dates for Online Exam Dates for Offline Exam excluding groups and govern-
ment scheme.
Registration open Till 30th December, 2017 1st October, 2017 to
10th November, 2017 ii) Rs.5 lacs per life/individual will
be the maximum sum insured
Test Any day till 12th December, 2017 (1 iii) Number of such products that can
day) 31stDecember, 2017
be filed as POS product is capped
Regional & National Between 1stto 30th April, 2018 at 3 (three) per insurance company
Competition iv) Since Health indemnity products
Prizes: follow a different process than
health benefit products, which
All students appearing for the test will get a certificate. Apart from this there
are several attractive prizes like cash rewards, laptops, tablets/ kindles, med- were hitherto included in the POS
als, etc. for both students and schools. For details please visit http:// channel, the POS may be educated about the process involved in pre-
ferring claims, particularly the
Contact us: cashless claims who in turn shall
Phone: 022 66734601/02, Email:, Website: educate the holder of indemnity
All schools are encouraged to avail this opportunity. based health insurance product.
Life Insurance Today November 2017 41
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