Page 29 - Banking Finance July 2022
P. 29






          FRAMEWORK TO


                      SME  sector  in  India  is  second  largest  debt  repayments, wages/salaries,  statutory  dues,  etc.
         M            acts as a breeding ground for entrepreneurs  pandemic have impacted MSMEs earnings by more than fifty
                      employment generator after agriculture, and
                                                              Reports have shown that disruptions caused by the Covid-19
                      and innovators with considerable support in
                                                              percent, Micro and Small enterprises faced the maximum
                      strengthening  business  ecosystem.  The  heat, mainly due to liquidity crunch. Enterprises working in
          estimated number of MSMEs in India is 63 million and employs  essential commodity business were better off in terms of
          110 million individuals. Indian MSMEs produce more than  interrupted but predictable cash flows. Some enterprises
          6,000  products for local  and  global consumption. The  innovated their ways by shifting focus from non-essential
          announcement of country wide lockdown dragged MSME  commodities towards essential commodities; like production
          owners, employers and external stakeholders in unexpected  of hand sanitizer and toiletries, PPE kits, reusable masks, etc.
          times, where no one had experience to handle this kind of  and are able to survive in tough times. MSMEs present in
          situation. Extended lockdown had negative impact on supply  remote areas also faced lots of difficulties due to interrupted
          of finished goods, procurement of raw material and availability  supply chain systems and intrastate lockdown provisions.
          of employees to work in production and supply processes.
                                                              The government has promulgated an ordinance to introduce
          During April to June 2020, sector faced challenges related to  a pre-packaged insolvency resolution process for stressed
                                                              micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It will allow
                                                              the stressed debtor- in this case the MSMEs- and its creditors
                               About the author
                                                              to quickly work out a plan to revive the company outside the
                                                              bankruptcy process, which would then be sanctioned by the
                         Chander Pandey
                                                              courts. It is considered expedient to provide an efficient
                         Senior Manager (Faculty)
                                                              alternative insolvency resolution process for corporate persons
                         Union Bank of India
                         Staff College,  Bengaluru            classified as micro, small and medium enterprises under the
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