Page 179 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 179

The Insurance Times

              damage by fire, smoke and water. E.g, some
              goods like crockery, watches etc, though
              themselves are non hazardous are easily
              perishable, so attract lower limits.

         (iii) Fire protection system, i.e the nature and number
              of fire extinguishing appliances, fire brigade facilities,
              sprinkler installation, etc are to be considered. For
              risks carrying discounts due to FEA factors, the
              sanctioned limits are increased.

         (iv) The risk situation is considered from three points
              of view. They are : (a) the degree of exposure
              hazard existing from adjacent/contiguous properties.
              (b) the actual situation , i.e, whether the places are
              cities, towns or mofussils, and (c) conflagration
              hazard, i.e the hazard from the adjoining buildings
              of the insured premises.

Q4. What are the objects of reinsurance

Ans. The objects of Reinsurance are :
         (i) Wider distribution of risks.
         (ii) Limitation of liability to an amount proportionate to
              their finances.

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