Page 181 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 181

The Insurance Times

              Proportional - here the ceding company decides
              what part of original insurance to retain, and what
              part to cede to a reinsurer. Premiums and losses
              are then also shared in the same proportion that
              the ceding company's retention and the reinsurers'
              share bear to the sum insured of the original
              insurance. They are of two types, Quota share
              and Surplus treaty.(ii) Non- proportional -here the
              proportion is variable.

Q6. What is surplus treaties? Discuss the salient

Ans. In this treaty, the surplus of a risk beyond the amount of
         the ceding insurer's retention is reinsured. The limit up
         to which the surplus can be reinsured is determined by
         the size of the treaty measured in terms of lines, which
         is the ceding insurer's net retention.

For e.g, under a twenty line treaty, reinsurance

protection is available up to an amount equal to twenty

times the retention of the ceding insurer. This treaty

is called a 'first surplus treaty'. It may again be

supplemented by a second surplus treaty to absorb

the amounts which are beyond the scope of the first

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