Page 182 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 182

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

surplus treaty.

The salient features found in surplus treaty are :
(i) The scope of the treaty is defined with reference

     to the number of lines, the geographical area and
     the class of business.

(ii) The liability of the reinsurer shall commence
     obligatorily and simultaneously with that of the
     ceding insurer as soon as the retention level is

(iii) The ceding insurer is required to record particulars
     of all amounts ceded to the reinsurer who is entitled
     for inspection.

(iv) All losses which exceeds the reinsurer's agreed
     figure are required to be advised to the reinsurers
     within a specified period of receipt of information.

(v) All settlements, adjustments and compromises are
     binding on the reinsurer, provided the cause of loss
     lies well within the scope of the cover.

(vi) Whenever loss attaching to the treaty exceeds an
     agreed amount, the ceding company has the right

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