Page 82 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 82

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

Originating hazards                 How it can be reduced

directly igniting from the blow
pipe. Fires also arise from faulty
or badly maintained fittings on
gas cylinders or incorrectly
connected electric welding

Incendiarism                        Alert watch and guard service,
These are the fires maliciously     installing fences and other security
set by intruders, disgruntled       measures.
employees and arsonists.

Mechanical sparks                   Keeping stock clean and by

Many fires originate due to removing foreign material by

sparks from foreign metal in magnetic or other separators.

machines, particularly in cotton

mills, and in grinding and

crushing operations.

Molten substances                   Proper material handling.
Fires are caused by metal
escaping from ruptured
furnaces or spilled during

Chemical action                     Proper operation, instrumentation

Fires can also originate by         and control, and by careful

chemical processes getting out handling and storage.

of control, chemicals reacting

with other materials and decom-

position of unstable chemicals.

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