Page 86 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 86

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

are liable to collapse, thereby causing severe damage to equipment
which may not have been at all affected by the fire.

Floor openings:

n Fire tends to spread vertically more than horizontally, and
     unprotected floor openings allow flame and smoke to be carried
     upward from floor to floor.

n They allow water used in extinguishing a fire on an upper floor to
     pour on lower floors, adding to the loss directly caused by the

n Ideally there should be no floor openings.
n Stairs are also considered as one type of floor opening.
n Hoists and lift shafts present a similar risk.

False ceilings :

n Any ceiling of combustible material is unsatisfactory, whether it
     be of wood, fibreboard, textile fabric or paper. It adds to the fire

Internal partitions :

n Partitions can be of great value, if they are constructed of brick or
     concrete as they will tend to confine a fire to the portion of the
     building in which it has originated, or, atleast will prevent it
     sweeping through the entire building.

n However, these partition walls must be of substantial thickness,
     extend from floor to roof and have all openings protected with
     Fire Proof Doors.

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