Page 83 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 83

The Insurance Times

Originating hazards              How it can be reduced
                                 Grounding, bonding and
Static sparks                    humidification.
Static electricity is rarely
recorded as a source of          Lightning rods, arrestors and
ignition but it is known that    grounding.
sparks from static electricity
can ignite flammable vapours,
gases and dusts.

Fires have been known to
originate from direct lightning
strike and sparks from one
object to another induced
nearby lightning strike.

Contributory hazards

These hazards increase the probability of a fire occurring or which
enable or permit fires, to spread and increase the loss.

Types of contributory hazards

Construction : External and Internal Construction

Hazards arising from construction

Experts have recognised three main classes of occupancies, on the

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