Page 33 - Insurance Times August 2019
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                4th Annual Insurance India Summit &

                                            Awards 2019

                                    11 July 2019, The Lalit Mumbai, India

                     Media Partners: The Insurance Times,

        The prestigious 4th Annual Insurance India Summit &  delivered a talk and presentation on ''Technology as the
        Awards 2019, with the theme "Integrating Technology & Big  Competitive Advantage''.
        Data to Enhance Distribution Channel, Marketing Strategy
        & Customer Experience" provided a platform for industry  The next important panel discussion was, Adopting Digital
        stake holders to work out a roadmap for unleashing the  Platforms for Product Development & Enhancing Customer
        future of Indian Insurance Industry in India. The summit was  Experience. The expert speaker for this panel were Dr. S
        organized on 11 July 2019 at Hotel The Lalit Mumbai, India.  Prakash, Joint MD, Star Health and Allied Insurance, Atul
                                                            Deshpande, COO, SBI General Insurance, Sonia Notani,
        This year a two day Pre-Conference Workshop was also  CMO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance, , Abhishek Gupta, CMO,
        organized on the topic of "Product Innovation in Insurance".  Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, Vikram Arora, Head-Digital
        Two world renowned international trainers, Frederik  Experience & Innovation, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, Arif
        Bisbjerg, Chief Digital Acceleration Officer at Noor Takaful  Syed, SVP Technology (CTO), Bharti AXA General Insurance,
        Insurance, UAE and Head of MENA & Digital Transformation  Ashish Tanna, COO & Co-Founder, Aureus Analytics, and was
        Specialist with The Digital Insurer, and Simon Phipps, Head  moderated by Sachin Seth, Partner, EY. Later on Parag
        of Asia, Global Development & Blockchain, The Digital  Sharma, CEO, Mantra Labs delivered a presentation on
        Insurer, conducted various session, case studies in two days.  "Visual AI Workflow Platform for Automating Insurance
        The Conference was inaugurated with the lamp lightening
        ceremony and welcome address by Chief Guest Honourable  The following panel discussion was "Distribution Challenges
        Shri Nilesh Sathe, Former Member- The Insurance     & Opportunities in Indian Insurance Sector". The expert
        Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). The  speakers at the panel were Sumit Rai, MD & CEO, Edelweiss
        honourable chief guest expressed his happiness towards the  Tokio Life Insurance,Gaurav Saxena, SVP & Head Third Party
        conference and the organizer, Quest Conferences for  Distribution, Birla Sun Life Insurance, Simon Phipps, Head
        organizing the important summit on Indian Insurance  of Asia, Global Development &Blockchain, The Digital
        Industry and Facility with the top and eminent experts and  Insurer, Satyendra Shrivastava, Partner, Khaitan Legal
        leaders. He also mentioned the journey and transformation  Associates, Manav Gaur, CEO, Monocept Consulting Pvt. Ltd,
        of the industry with digitization and product innovation and  the panel was moderated by Alok Shukla, SVP, Bharti AXA
        development.                                        General Insurance. The panel was followed by a talk and
                                                            presentation by Ashish Singhal, MD, Experian Credit
        The first big panel discussion for the day was - CEOs Power  Information Company of India Pvt. Ltd "Leveraging data and
        Panel: IRDAI Regulation - Challenges & Impact on Insurance  analytics for the future of Insurance".
        Business. The panel members were, MayankBathwal, CEO,
        Aditya Birla Health Insurance, Ashish Vohra, ED & CEO,  The further panel discussion was, "How to develop a
        Reliance Nippon Life Insurance, Vikas Seth, MD & CEO,  portfolio of opportunities through Marketing Channel"? The
        Bharti AXA Life Insurance Co. Ltd., V Viswanand, DMD, Max  experts on the panel were Srinivasan Iyengar, COO, Reliance
        Life Insurance and Dhyanesh Bhatt, CEO, GramCover. The  Nippon Life Insurance, Anup Seth, Chief Retail Officer,
        CEO Panel was moderated by Rajeev Arora, Partner, EY. Later  Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, K V Dipu, President, Bajaj
        on Manav Gaur, CEO, Monocept Consulting Pvt. Ltd    Allianz General Insurance, Yusuf Pachmariwala, SVP and

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