Page 37 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 37

In 2017, the persistency ratio for 1 year has been as low as
        61%. This means that out of 100 policies purchased in a
        year, only 61 of them were renewed in the following year.
        This ill phenomenon leads to high costs for the insurance
        players in the market as well as for the customers since the
        amount of premium paid in the first year is higher than that
        in the following years. The drop in the persistency ratio has
        been attributed to the lack of communication of insurers
        with customers regarding the renewal of policies.

        Insurance penetration, the ratio of annual gross insurance
        premium to the gross domestic product, is around 3.4% as
        compared to the global average of 6.2%. Insurance
        companies in India not only provide risk cover for various
        objectives but in some cases, they give some additional
                                                            the pyramid whereas the incumbents are managing the
        benefits as well, for example, a source of long term debt  existing customers.
        and equity for infrastructure projects. Insurance Regulatory
        and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) regulations  The incumbents also tend to provide simpler functionalities
        require insurance companies to invest more than 15 percent  through their products whereas the Insurtechs try to avoid
        of their funds in infrastructure and social sector.
                                                            competition from incumbents by competing in a different
                                                            sector altogether. Insurance companies do not innovate and
        Yet 80% of Indian population is without life insurance cover  try to focus on existing business models. On the other hand,
        subjecting themselves to weak social security and no old age
                                                            Insurtechs innovate and try to gauge future consumer
        income. However, the advent of Insurtech might be able to
                                                            needs, hence this gives them additional leverage to become
        trigger these weak spots and lead to the overall
                                                            powerful in the future. Insurtechs initially are smaller in size
        development of the whole sector.
                                                            and hence have very little to lose whereas for the
                                                            incumbents, it's a tradeoff between innovation and the
        Insurtech - Introduction                            current operations of the business.
        Insurtech, a subset of FinTech, refers to several segments
        of the new technologies that are disrupting the insurance  Insurtechs are also trying to take the customer experience
        sector through smartphone apps, claim acceleration tools,  to "phygital", which is a mixture of physical and digital.
        consumer activity wearables, individual consumer risk  Examples of phygital medium can be a video calling session
        development systems, automated compliance processing  which is partly physical and partly digital. India shows huge
        and online policy handling.                         market potential for insurance industries, owing to the
                                                            demographic dividend. The average Indian age by 2020 will
        Insurtech has been broadly categorized by CrunchBase (CB)  be 29 years as against 40 years in the US, 46 years in Europe
        insights into 8 categories, namely: (i) healthcare (ii)  and 47 years in Japan. Even as the labor force declines by 4
        automobile/P&C insurance (iii) life insurance (iv) Peer-to-  percent in the industrialized world and by 5 percent in China
        peer insurance (v) small business (vi) insurance software (vii)  in 20 years, it could increase by 32 percent in India.
        product insurance (viii) mobile insurance.
                                                            Insurance companies and insurtechs have also tried and
        Insurtechs follow a different approach as compared to what  tested a number of distribution channels. A number a
        the incumbents do. Insurtechs consider auto insurance as  distribution channels have been discussed below:
        cash cows since the insurance are recurring in nature and
        their pricing depends on car characteristics and the  Channel- Agencies: Insurance agents have deeper networks
        experience of the driver. These cash cows can provide  to penetrate the retail and SME businesses and they have
        finances to the insurtech startups to chase customers  a better understanding of the minute details of the
        differently than how the incumbents do it. Although  products. But agents as a distribution channels generally
        Insurtechs are smaller and younger companies, they try to  yield lower margins and are not perceived to be profitable
        target a new base of customers which are at the bottom of  by the companies.

                                                                       The Insurance Times, August 2019 37
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