Page 40 - Insurance Times August 2019
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or worn on the body as implants or accessories.     process where all the insurers are at once notified about
           Wearables allow the companies to capture data related  an approaching calamity through data transmitted by
           to the subject on a close monitoring system. Wearables  sensors across regions. Thus, Blockchain will minimize
           can provide for some serious data like the cholesterol  human interaction giving rise to smart contracts and
           and glucose levels in a human body that cannot be found  eventually leading to reduction in process time.
           otherwise without a formal medical checkup. This would  Blockchain will also eliminate risks in the system by
           also reduce healthcare costs for humans. Some of the  identifying customer profiles, validating claims and
           famous examples of wearables are Oura rings, which is  avoiding duplication of transactions. This would boost
           a ring to be worn on the finger of the subject. These rings  the efficiency in KYC management and fraud detection.
           studies the sleep patterns as well as heart beat rates of  2.  Machine Learning: Machine Learning helps in finding
           the subject which can prove to be a substantial piece of  patterns in data in an automated manner using complex
           data for the insurers. Another famous wearable was a
                                                               algorithms. All the multitude of available data can be
           smart T-shirt worn by Ralph Lauren at US Open in 2014.
                                                               captured from new data sources using Internet of Things,
           This t-shirt studies the heart beat rates, breathing
                                                               telematics and external data sources. This empowers the
           patterns, the amount of calories lost while playing or
                                                               machine to think and tries to capture a specific trend in
           while working out. Some serious concerns with wearable  the data and predict the future outcomes of similar
           technologies are: 1. It is an unchartered territory where  occurrence of the event. Machine learning analyses the
           we do not know how a human body would react to such  unstructured data and starts making sense of dissimilar
           wearables over our body all the time, 2. We might not  datasets. Although machine learning has its own
           be very comfortable on providing personal data of such  disadvantages like initial cost of IT infrastructure, non-
           magnitude to our insurers, 3. The security threat in terms  readiness of adapting to new systems by the employees,
           of technology would always persist where a hacking of
                                                               regulatory issues and the fraud and security.
           such a wearable can be disastrous.
                                                            3. Robotics: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a
        4.  Bancassurance: Bancassurance is an arrangement in  collection of tools like machine learning, virtual agents,
           which an insurance company and a bank form a        natural language classification and computer vision.
           partnership so that the insurance company can sell its  RPA can deal with the real time data, automation of
           products to the banks client base. Banks gain from this  claims in a structured manner without human
           partnership since they earn extra income from the   intervention, flexibility in claim settlement channel,
           commission from sale of an insurance policy. They also  integration of data and precision. The biggest concern
           benefit since they get to add one more product to their  with robotics is the encroachment of human jobs by
           portfolio of products while selling services to the  robots. Although the unskilled jobs will take an
           customers. Insurance being a long term product can  immediate hit, new jobs like coding, monitoring, risk
           also help in customer retention for the banks. On the  analytics and pattern recognition will be discovered.
           other hand, insurance companies can get high market  4.  Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
           penetration rate by getting access to the bank's client  changing the operational patterns of insurance
           base. Also the employee cost reduces since bank tellers  companies drastically. It plays a huge role in the
           become a point of contact for sale of insurance policies.
                                                               underwriting process by using deep question answering
           Hence this becomes a win win situation for the banks  techniques so that the underwriters can attribute the
           as well as the insurance companies.
                                                               risks associated with a certain policy through an
                                                               enhanced mechanism.  It can also use predictive models
        Technologies used in Insurtech                         of risk assessment with the aid of simulation modeling
        The technology is being driven by the following fundamental  for commercial and life products. AI also changes the
        pillars that would give an additional thrust to the insurance  claims management experience with the help of robotics
        sector:                                                to identify the bottlenecks in the system and make the
        1.  Blockchain: A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized,  processes faster. It can also tap social media to keep a
           public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions.   check on patterns of frauds in claims.
           Blockchain is a decentralized system wherein multiple
           parties share and update information thereby increasing  It is estimated that only 10% of all insurance players will
           operational efficiency and reducing time. Blockchain can  have an algorithmic business strategy by 2019 thereby
           convert the insurance ecosystem into a multi-dimension  giving an early bird advantage to those insurance players

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