Page 38 - Insurance Times August 2019
P. 38

Channel- In-house: Such a distribution channel provides a  or percentage of gross revenue from sales. Some early birds
        front-end advantage to companies since the employees and  have adopted technology in their businesses while the other
        internal agents have a better understanding of the product  ones are merely following suit.
        than an external agent would have. One of the limitations
        of internal agents is the lack of penetration into the rural  This is leading to the development of same type of
        areas and the lack of understanding of the ecosystem and  technology and there is no differentiation to become a
        cultural norms of consumers at the bottom end of the  unique selling point (USP) for insurance companies. The
        pyramid.                                            investors are more confident about the FinTechs rather than
                                                            the Insurtech startups. This makes the FinTech companies
        Channel- Brokers: A broker would have an expertise in  grow exponentially faster than the Insurtech startups.
        attracting commercial consumers and can also deliver  Insurtech has not yet solved the industry problems of
        complex products with a wider reach in the commercial  unpaid claims, advisor's fee, declining profitability and low
        space. The brokers are held back by the limitation in growth  customer trust. Also, because of the established IT systems,
        rate of commercial products. Also the commissions for  the insurance companies are not yet ready to replace them
        brokers are highly negotiated due to the advent of virtual  by new technological advancements.
        selling channels. This puts a cap on the profitability of the
        brokers as individuals.                             Classification in Insurtech Segments

                                                            The Insurtech startups till now have largely tried to use
        Channel- Bancassurance: Insurance companies scope the  technology and digital solutions in the supply side vertical.
        clients of the banks in order to cover a wider area of clients  Some of the untapped insurance specific verticals are the
        that would be interested in integrating insurance products  reasons that the insurtech startups have not been able to
        in their portfolio. However, the bank tellers might not  attract investments to a larger magnitude. According to the
        understand the intricacies of the insurance products and are
                                                            study conducted by Oliver Wyman, the three segments that
        hence the quality of service provided by the bank tellers
                                                            can be largely tapped from the insurance industry
        might be compromised.
                                                            perspective are:
                                                            1. The proposition segment, although being a very small
        Channel- Referral system: The expansion of consumer base
                                                               segment comparatively, shows a wide gap between the
        depends solely on the quick reach to and by the customers
                                                               most active insurtech startups and the startups with
        among themselves. This helps the insurance companies   greater potential but lesser activity. The startups which
        avoid the sensitivity involved in sharing the databases with  are not quite active are perceived to be the ones that
        other channels. Such distribution channels are held back  depict true innovative solutions on how risk coverage
        because of absence of volume obtained by referral systems  is presented to the consumers. A quick glance at the
        and hence such a distribution channel depends solely on  strategic assessment of this segment is shown below:
        the consumers with minimal investment.

        Insurtech has attracted
        negative criticism as
        well. In some of the
        developed economies
        like Australia, Insurtech
        has given rise to a
        number of fraudulent
        practices. This high-
        lighted the need for
        regulations in the
        insurance   market.
        Insurtechs have also
        not proved to reduce
        the operating costs
        either on absolute basis

        38  The Insurance Times, August 2019
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