Page 41 - Insurance Times August 2019
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who would step in sooner and integrate technology in their  Cybersecurity poses another threat to the establishment of
        processes. Regulations are a huge concern going on with  the above mentioned automated digital systems. It is known
        Insurtechs all around the globe. Although various   that about 40% of the Fortune 500 companies are insured
        governments appreciate that consumers are open to using  against the threat of cybersecurity. However, the insurance
        technology and saving their premiums, the use of    cover is not sufficient to claim the full exposure due to the
        technology is moving all away all the risks from the insurer's  loss.  There is a lack of underwriters in case of cyber risks and
        end to the consumer's end. A regulatory framework named  they rely on the underwriters of other verticals. With new
        Solvency II was introduced in Europe in 2016.       types of cyber attacks being discovered each year and the
                                                            level of sophistication of cyber attacks, the risks and exposure
        This framework demanded certain parameters to be held by  of businesses across the globe keeps on increasing day by day.
        the Insurtech startups, namely, High Capital Requirements
        where a startup needs to build up insurance reserves from  The roadblock that lies against the defense from such cyber
        the scratch such that in case of immediate settlements of  attacks is that the businesses are not well educated in the
        multiple claims, the startup does not go bankrupt and holds  terms of cyber security. A couple of countries have taken
        up due to the excess insurance reserves in the chest. Another  huge hits on their respective GDPs (ranging from 0.5%-1.5%
        requirement in the minimum SRC (Solvency Risk Capital)  of their GDP) due to the rise in such attacks. Hence a need
        where the insurance startups are expected to own additional  for higher investments in cyber security has been an
        amount of own funds on top of the insurance reserves.  alarming call for varied businesses all over.

        Players in the Insurtech Space

        Sr.  Name          Parent           Latest Investment Comment                     Logo
        No.                                 (in parent brand)
        1    PolicyBazaar  ETechAces        Rs. 200 million   It is an insurance web
                           Marketing &      (June 2018)       aggregator that lets you
                           Consulting Pvt Ltd                 compare Insurance plans
                                                              from different insurers and
                                                              allows you to buy them online,
                                                              and manage your all policies
                                                              and related documents at a
                                                              single place.
        2    Paytm Life    One97            Rs. 1.4 billion   Registered on 21 Feb, 2018;
             Insurance Ltd.  Communications  (May 2017)       Along with Paytm General
                           Ltd.                               Insurance Corporation Ltd.,
                                                              the focus is on insurance
                                                              categories like health, motor
                                                              and others
        3    Digit         Digit Infoworks  Rs. 44 million    Trying to scope categories
             Insurance                      (July 2018)       like motor, travel, health,
                                                              electronics and home
        4    Coverfox      Glitterbug       Rs. 22 million    It plans to expand insurance
                           Technologies     (April 2018)      coverage into Tier II and
                           Pvt. Ltd                           Tier III cities, and address
                                                              women's needs as it tries to
                                                              diversify its product portfolio
        5    Acko          ---              Rs. 12 million    Amazon has invested in Acko
             General                        (May 2018)        General Insurance. This can
             Insurance                                        also allow the company to
                                                              take advantage of Amazon's
                                                              large pool of database

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