Page 3 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 3

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                   become independent and earn for themselves. They are one of the main reason behind the
                   progress of the nation who makes our daily lives easy and the country proud.

                   Today's youth is the leader of tomorrow. They are energetic and have new ideas. However,
                   the implementation of their ideas is a problem for them at all times. All the Committee
                   Members and I will try our best to help them boost their ideas to improve the profession.

                   Information technology has always played a dominant role in our lives and its penetration
                   is getting deeper and deeper. Members will appreciate that DTPA has been incorporating
                   IT in its functioning and are planning to work more on this front. We launched our
                   mobile app, updated our website and organising our virtual seminars with the use of
                   information technology in our profession.

                   We firmly believe that we need to send representations to the Government on issues of
                   profession  and  national  interest  along  with  suggestions  which  helps  in  sending
                   professional as well as industry's sentiment to the Government.

                   We also try to organise interaction between the Industry Associations and Chambers,
                   Government  authorities,  other  professional  Associations  and  regulatory  bodies  to
                   strengthen the existing bond. We plan to organise joint events with such institutes and
                   associations and ensure positive exchange of ideas and sharing knowledge.

                   Our Association has been publishing Journals regularly. We shall continue publishing
                   such journals with content of professional interest from eminent writers.
                   Thank You once again for the faith you have placed in me and this privilege to serve as your
                   President.  I  assure  all  the  Members  and  pledge  that  I  alongwith  officebearers  and
                   Committee Members will put our best efforts for the Members of our profession at large
                   for the legacy we have inherited and forever of our esteemed and beloved DTPA.
                   I am always open to suggestions and grievances. Please feel free, don't hesitate to share
                   them with me from time to time.

                   Best wishes for the festive season ahead.
                   With warm regards

                   Adv Kamal Kumar Jain
                   President - DTPA
                   28th December, 2021

                   Views expressed in the articles of this Journal are contributor's personal views. DTPA and its Journal Sub-Committee do not accept
                   any responsibility in this regard. Although every effort has been made to avoid any error or omission in the Bullein, the DTPA and its
                   journal Sub-Committee shall not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage caused to any one on account of any error or
                   omission which might have occurred.

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