Page 7 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 7

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                               assessee  was  recorded  on  6th                   composed  at  relevant  point  of
                               November 2001. The assessee was                    time.
                               given  copies  of  the  statement               b)  Amritsar ITAT Bench in Asstt. CIT
                               recorded under section 132(4)on                    v  Janak  Raj  Chauhan[2006]  102
                               20th May 2002. On receipt of copy                  TTJ  316  (Asr.),  observed  that
                               of the statement, assessee realized                admission  made  at  the  time  of
                               that  there  was  a  mistake  in  the              search  is  an  important  piece  of
                               declaration of income. The assessee                evidence,  but  the  same  is  not
                               submitted  a  letter  clarifying  the              conclusive.  It  is  open  to  the
                               mistake on 21st June 2002 to the                   assessee to show that it is incorrect
                               Assessing Officer and retracted the                and  same  was  made  under
                               statement  made  under  mistake  of                mistaken belief of law and fact.
                               fact.  The  assessment  was                     c)  Hotel Kiran v. Asstt. CIT [2002]
                               accordingly made but was set aside                 82 ITD 453 (Pune) – Admission by
                               by the CIT under sec. 263 stating                  a  person  is  a  good  piece  of
                               that the same was prejudicial to the               evidence  though  not  conclusive.
                               interest  of  the  revenue  and  was               The Legislature in its wisdom has
                               made by A.O. without application                   provided  that  such  a  statement
                               of mind. On appeal, ITAT held that                 under sec. 132(4) may be used as
                               the department has not brought on                  evidence in any proceedings under
                               record  any  corroborative                         the  Act.  However,  there  are
                               evidence  so  as  to  establish                    exceptions  to  such  admission
                               undisclosed  income  having  been                  where  the  assessee  can  retract
                               invested  in  agricultural  land.                  from such statement/admission.
                               Statement of the assessee cannot                   The first exception exists where
                               be sole basis without any cogent                   such  statement  is  made
                               and corroborative evidence. The                    involuntarily,  i.e.,  obtained
                               mistake  in  the  statement  is                    under  coercion,  threat,  duress,
                               immediately clarified on the receipt               undue  influence,  etc.  But  the
                               of the statement by the appellant.                 burden lies on the person making
                               Moreover,  no  material/evidence                   such  allegation  to  prove  that  the
                               was  found  during  the  course  of                statement  was  obtained  by  the
                               search action indicating on-money                  aforesaid  means.  The  second
                               payment  or  any  undisclosed                      exception is where statement has
                               investment in land. The statement                  been given under some mistaken
                               was given under mistaken belief                    belief either of fact or of law. If he
                               of law that the suppressed sale is                 can show that the statement has
                               unaccounted/undisclosed income                     been made on mistaken belief of
                               instead of correct legal position that             facts, and the facts on the basis of
                               the  gross  profit  arising  from                  which admission was made were
                               unaccounted sale is the undisclosed                incorrect.
                               income.  Statement  of  Director        7.  Principles  of  Natural  Justice  to  be
                               indicate that he was not mentally
                                                                           applied:  ITAT,  Jodhpur  Bench  in


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