Page 11 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 11
e Journal
Nov. - Dec., 2021
by filing an affidavit. Subsequently his Taxman 234 (Chhattisgarh); and Pr.CIT v.
further statement was recorded in which he Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. [2017]
also reiterated the stand taken in affidavit. 395 ITR 247/88 722
The High Court slammed AO for (Gujarat) and allowed the expenditure.
making disallowance of payment merely
j) Other cases in which Retraction was
relying on statement of payer recorded accepted: These are CIT v. Uttamchand
during search, which said that 'S' had Jain [2009] 182 Taxman 343 (Bom) /
not rendered any service to assessee so as [2010] 320 ITR 554 (Bombay); CIT v.
to receive such payments. The allowance Rakesh Ramani [2018] 94
of payments made to 'S', a consultant, was 461 (Bom.)/ [2018] 256 Taxman 299
allowed as business expenditure. The (Bom.) / 168 DTR 356 (Bom.)(HC);
assessee had set up a captive power Surinder Pal Verma v. Asstt. CIT [2004] 89
generating unit and provided electricity to ITD 129 (Chd.) (TM); Asstt. CIT v. Anoop
its another unit. It claimed deduction u/s Kumar [2005] 147 Taxman 26 (Asr.)
80-IA in respect of the profits arising out of (Mag.); Gyan Chand Jain v. ITO [2001]
such activity. It contended before the A.O. 73 TTJ (Jodh.) 859- Part Relief
that the valuation of electricity provided allowed.
toanother unit should be at the rate at which
the electricity distribution companies were Narayan Jain is a Master of Law,
allowed to supply electricity to consumers. former National Vice President of
The issue had been examined by the AIFTP, guest faculty at IIMC, NUJS
Bombay High Court on earlier occasion in and many Institutions. He is author
Income Tax Appeal No. 2180 of 2011 and of the book “How to handle Income
the view taken by the Tribunal in similar Tax Problems” with CA Dilip
circumstances was upheld. Similar view Loyalka.
was taken in CIT v. Godawari Power &
Ispat Ltd. [2014] 42 551/223