Page 15 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 15

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 The government made two changes in the amended     Act, 1961. Hence, such disallowance of expenses
                 section: -                                         may lead to double additions.
                 1.  Reflected in the return of income furnished    Imposition of penalty u/s 271AAD of I.T.Act,
                     under section 139 of Income Tax Act, 1961      1961.
                 2.  Taxation at flat rate of sixty per cent.       The  Finance  Act,2020,  has  introduced  a  new
                                                                    section  271AAD  in  Chapter  XXI  –  Penalties
                 As per the old provisions, if any assessing officer
                                                                    Imposable to discourage taxpayers to manipulate
                 finds  or  assesses  any  income  by  invoking  the
                                                                    his books of accounts by recording false entries
                 provisions of  section 68, section 69, section 69A,
                                                                    including  fake  invoices  to  claim  wrong  input
                 section 69B, section 69C or section 69Dof Income
                                                                    credit  in  GST/VAT.  The  said  section  has  been
                 Tax Act, 1961, such income was required to be
                                                                    inserted  following  the  investigation  of
                 taxed  @  30%.  However,  as  per  amended
                                                                    Maharashtra  Sales  Tax  Department,  who  had
                 provisions, the rate of tax at which such income
                                                                    unearthed a scam of fictitious invoices in excess
                 required  to  be  taxed  has  been  changed  to  60%.
                                                                    of  Rs.10,000/-  Crores  claiming  input  credit  of
                 Further, the amendment provision also covers the
                                                                    VAT under the Sales Tax Act. Even under the GST
                 transactions declared by the assessee in its return of
                                                                    regime, the GST department unearthed few big
                 income u/s 139of Income Tax Act, 1961, which are
                                                                    scams of bogus invoices amounting to more than
                 later found to be unexplained.
                                                                    Rs.1,000/-  crores,  involving  availing  of  GST
                 The impact of such disallowance, as stated in the   Input Credit. The new section which was made
                 illustration mentioned earlier, may be doubled if   effective from 1st April 2020 reads as under –
                 provisions of section 115 BBEof Income Tax Act,
                                                                    “271AAD.  (1)  Without  prejudice  to  any  other
                 1961 are invoked by the Assessing Officer i.e. If the
                                                                    provisions of this Act, if during any proceeding
                 expenses claimed by the assessee are found to be
                                                                    under  this Act,  it  is  found  that  in  the  books  of
                 bogus and it is established that expenses were in the
                                                                    account maintained by any person there is—
                 nature of accommodation entry, then not only such
                 expense will be disallowed u/s 69Cof Income Tax      (i) a false entry; or
                 Act,  1961  but  it  shall  attract  theprovisions  of
                                                                     (ii) an omission of any entry which is relevant for
                 section 115 BBEof Income Tax Act, 1961 and a tax
                                                                    computation of total income of such person, to
                 rate of 60%. Further, the assessment of the broker
                                                                    evade  tax  liability,  the  Assessing  Officer  may
                 can also be reopened u/s 148of Income Tax Act,
                                                                    direct that such person shall pay by way of penalty
                 1961and income shown by him as brokerage may
                                                                    a sum equal to the aggregate amount of such false
                 be treated as income from other sources and by
                                                                    or omitted entry.
                 applying  section  115  BBEof  Income  Tax  Act,
                 1961, the 60% rate of tax can be charged in the case   (2)  Without  prejudice  to  the  provisions  of  sub-
                 of broker also asbecause once it is established that   section (1), the Assessing Officer may direct that
                 the assessee has taken accommodation entries in    any other person, who causes the person referred
                 the guise of brokerage, the brokerage received by   to in sub-section (1) in any manner to make a false
                 payee  also  becomes  bogus  credit  entries  and   entry or omits or causes to omit any entry referred
                 attracts the provisions of Section 68 of Income Tax   to in that sub-section, shall pay by way of penalty


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