Page 19 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 19

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 Principal  Commissioner  of  Income-tax  v.  Shiv   free loans or for making any investments, impugned
                 Salai& Sons (I) Ltd. - [2020] 121 28   disallowance  of  interest  claim  of  assessee  was
                 (Madras)                                           unjustified .
                 Suppression of sale : Where Assessing Officer holding
                 that cash sales of bullions were effected by assessee by   SECTION  43(5)  OF  THE  INCOME-TAX  ACT,
                 quoting  low  rates  as  against  sales  effected  against   1961 - SPECULATIVE TRANSACTIONS
                 jewellery  made  addition  for  suppression  of  sales,
                 however,  Tribunal  after  taking  note  of  number  of   Principal  Commissioner  of  Income  Tax,
                 instances  where  assessee  had  charged  lesser  on  its   Coimbatore v. Precot Meridian Ltd. - [2020] 120
                 jewellery customers than for cash sales and also finding 429 (Madras)
                 that there was no additions for supression of sales for
                 other assessment years deleted said addition, impugned   Foreign exchange derivative loss : Loss incurred on
                 order of Tribunal was justified.                   foreign  exchange  derivative  cannot  be  disallowed
                                                                    holding it to be a speculative loss .
                 SECTION 5 OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 -
                 INCOME - ACCRUAL OF                                SECTION 68 OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 -
                                                                    CASH CREDIT
                 Principal  Commissioner  of  Income-tax  v.  Shiv
                 Salai& Sons (I) Ltd. - [2020] 121 28   Principal  Commissioner  of  Income-tax  v.  Shiv
                 (Madras)                                           Salai& Sons (I) Ltd. - [2020] 121 28
                 Time of accrual - Business receipts : Where Assessing   (Madras)
                 Officer made additions on account of credit/debt notes   Loans : Where Tribunal clearly noted fact that amount
                 for  receivables  issued  by  a  company  in  favour  of   received by assessee company from an individual was
                 assessee,  since  there  was  an  arbitration  proceedings   towards  repayment  of  earlier  advances  given  by
                 pending between assessee and said company regarding   assessee  when  it  business  was  runing  as  a
                 such receivables, Tribunal rightly held that addition on   proprietorship concern and transactions in respect of
                 account of such credit notes/debt could be made only in   same were also reflected in accounts of proprietorship
                 assessment  year  in  which  arbitration  proceedings   concern, no additions could be made on account of
                 would reach finality and liability of assessee would be   such repayment of loan amount received by assessee
                 crystalised .                                      after converting into a company as unexplained cash
                                                                    credit .
                 SECTION 36(1)(iii) OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT,
                 1961 - INTEREST ON BORROWED CAPITAL                SECTION 69 OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 -
                                                                    UNEXPLAINED INVESTMENTS
                 Principal  Commissioner  of  Income-tax  v.  Shiv
                 Salai& Sons (I) Ltd. - [2020] 121 28   Associated  Capsules  Pvt.  Ltd.  v.  Assistant
                 (Madras)                                           Commissioner of Income Tax, Circle-42, Mumbai -
                 Interest  free  advances/loans  :  Where  assessee  had   [2020] 121 103 (Mumbai - Trib.)
                 substantial capital built over various years and was also   Paintings : Where during search operation at premises
                 having substantial interest free advances and there was   of assessee, 288 paintings were found but Assessing
                 nothing  on  record  to  show  that  any  interest  bearing   Officer noted that description of paintings mentioned
                 funds were diverted by assessee for giving any interest   on vouchers given by assessee did not match and were


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