Page 23 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 23

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 practitioners  (individual  lawyers  and  law  firms)  for   Income-tax, Circle 26(2) - [2020] 121
                 filing patent applications in foreign countries on behalf   101 (SC)
                 of  his  clients  in  India,  services  by  foreign  attorney   Scope of : Review petition dismissed against finding
                 would be classified as 'independent Personal services' .  that  section  241A  requires  a  separate  recording  of
                                                                    satisfaction on part of Assessing Officer that having
                 SECTION  80-IB  OF  THE  INCOME-TAX  ACT,          regard  to  fact  that  a  notice  has  been  issued  under
                 1961  -  DEDUCTIONS  -  PROFITS  AND  GAINS        section 143(2), grant of refund is likely to adversely
                 FROM INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS OTHER                 affect revenue whereafter, with previous approval of
                 THAN  INFRASTRUCTURE  DEVELOPMENT                  Principal  Commissioner  or  Commissioner  and  for
                 UNDERTAKINGS                                       reasons  to  be  recorded  in  writing,  refund  can  be
                                                                    withheld .
                 Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, Central-1,
                 Kolkata v. Sona Vets P. Ltd.                       SECTION  145A  OF  THE  INCOME-TAX  ACT,
                 Manufacture : Production of poultry feeds by assessee   1961  -  METHOD  OF  ACCOUNTING  IN
                 by way of receiving raw materials and other inputs and   CERTAIN CASES
                 processing  them  by  grinding,  mixing,  roasting  and
                 blending  to  produce  large  quantity  of  poultry  feeds   Commissioner of Income Tax-III, Bangalore v. SPR
                 would amount to 'manufacture' and assessee would be   Group Holdings (P.) Ltd. - [2020] 120
                 entitled to claim deduction under section 80-IB .  432 (Karnataka)
                 Commissioner  of  Income-tax,  Mangalure  v.       Excise  duty  :  In  respect  of  excisable  goods
                 Mandavi  Builders,  Mangalore  -  [2020]  121      manufactured and lying in stock, excise duty element
                                                                    is not to be included in valuation of closing stock .
        36 (Karnataka)
                 Housing  project  : Amendment  brought  on  1-4-2010
                                                                    SECTION 240 OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961
                 vide  clauses  (e)  and  (f)  to  section  80-IB(10)  is
                                                                    - REFUNDS - REFUND ON APPEAL, ETC.
                 prospective in nature .
                                                                    VisalakshiAnandkumar v. Assistant Commissioner
                 Commissioner  of  Income-tax,  Mangalure  v.
                                                                    of  Income  Tax,  Circle-III,  Trichy  -  [2020]  121
                 Mandavi  Builders,  Mangalore  -  [2020]  121
                                                           97 (Madras)
        36 (Karnataka)
                                                                    Where income of petitioner was chargeable to tax and
                 Housing  project  :  Where  unaccounted  money  found
                                                                    assessee  paid  self  assessment  tax  which  was
                 during  search  proceedings  at  premises  of  assessee-
                                                                    admittedly payable, merely because income was not
                 company,  engaged  in  business  of  building  and
                                                                    assessed in relevant year and was admitted by assessee
                 developing  housing  project,  was  treated  as  business
                                                                    on a later date, claim for refund of tax paid on admitted
                 income of assessee by Assessing Officer, assessee could
                                                                    income is not sustainable.
                 not  be  denied  deduction  under  section  80-IB(10)  in
                 respect of such amount .
                 SECTION  241A  OF  THE  INCOME-TAX  ACT,
                                                                    ASCENT  MEDITECH  VS  ASSISTANT
                 1961 - REFUND - POWER TO WITHHOLD, IN
                                                                    COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX : (2020) 60
                 CERTAIN CASES
                                                                    CCH 0215 SuratTrib
                 Vodafone  Idea  Ltd.  v. Assistant  Commissioner  of
                                                                    With respect to the sum received by the assessee from

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