Page 21 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 21

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 commission in accordance with the law wherein there   penalty under Sec. 271(1)(c) can been validly imposed
                 are chances for waiver of penalty as well as immunity   on assessee.
                 from  prosecution  is  an  order  which  will  constitute
                 prejudicial to the interest of the revenue.        SYMBYOSYS INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS PVT.
                                                                    LTD.  VS  INCOME  TAX  OFFICER  :  (2020)  60
                 REASSESSMENT                                       CCH 0150 MumTrib
                 SUDHAKAR  CHAKKILAM  VS  INCOME  TAX               It is obligatory on the part of the A.O to have clearly put
                 OFFICER : (2020) 60 CCH 0158 HydTrib               the assessee to notice as regards the default for which it
                                                                    was called upon to explain as to why penalty under
                 Reopening of assessment is bad in law where notice   Sec. 271(1)(c) may not be imposed.
                 U/s143(2) was issued beyond the time limit prescribed
                 under the Income Tax Act, 1961.                    ADVENT  COMPUTER  SERVICES  LTD.  VS
                                                                    ASSISTANT  COMMISSIONER  OF  INCOME
                 DIVYA  S  RAO  VS  INCOME  TAX  OFFICER  :         TAX : (2020) 60 CCH 0230 ChenTrib
                 (2020) 60 CCH 0226 BangTrib
                                                                    Liability cannot be fastened u/s. 271(1)(c) where there
                 Re-assessment order passed is without offering proper   is no deliberate attempt on the part of the assessee to
                 opportunity of being heard to assessee, which is not in   conceal  particulars  of  income  or  evade  payment  of
                 accordance with law.                               taxes.

                 AKIK  MARKETING  INDIA  PVT.  LTD.  VS             SECTION 43A OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961
                 INCOME TAX OFFICER : (2020) 60 CCH 0214            -   F O R E I G N   C U R R E N C Y,   R AT E   O F
                 DelTrib                                            EXCHANGE, CHANGE IN
                 Reasons recorded by the Assessing Officer cannot be   Commissioner of Income Tax, Bangalore v. JSW
                 supplemented  by  assessment  order,  otherwise,  the   Steel  Ltd.  -  [2020]  121  39
                 reasons which were lacking in the material particulars   (Karnataka)
                 would get supplemented, by the time the matter reaches   Loss on account of settlement of forward contracts for
                 to the Court, on the strength of assessment order.  purchase of plant and machinery was allowable even in
                                                                    a  case  where  payment  was  not  actually  made  by
                 SHANKER  TRADER  PVT.  LTD.  VS  INCOME            assessee .
                 TAX OFFICER : (2020) 60 CCH 0237 DelTrib
                 In reopening made prior to 1 June 2015 sanction should   SECTION 45 OF THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 -
                 be taken by the assessing officer for reopening of the   CAPITAL GAINS - CAPITAL ASSET
                 assessment  u/s  147  from  the  rank  of  the  joint
                 Commissioner  of  income  tax  according  to  Section   Income  Tax  Officer,  Ward-4(5),  Hyderabad  v.
                 151 (2).                                           Shrilekha Business Consultancy (P.) Ltd. - [2020]
                                                                    121 150 (Hyderabad - Trib.)
                 PENALTY                                            Where consideration for capital contribution made by
                                                                    a partner in a firm is share in profits of firm during
                 INCOME TAX OFFICER VS LOTUS DYES AND               firm's  subsistence  and  share  in  assets  after  firm's
                 CHEMICALS : (2020) 60 CCH 0172 MumTrib             dissolution, consideration was 'indeterminate' and as
                                                                    such computation provisions of section 48 would fail
                 Merely  on  basis  of  unproved  claim  of  purchases  no

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