Page 16 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 16

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 a sum equal to the aggregate amount of such false   the  broker  as  because  the  entries  in  their
                 or omitted entry.                                  respective  books  were  in  the  nature  of
                                                                    accommodation and a false one.
                 Explanation. — For the purposes of this section,
                 “false entry” includes use or intention to use —   Further,  Penalty  u/s  270A  of  Income  Tax Act,
                                                                    1961 may also be imposed on both assessee and
                 (a) forged or falsified documents such as a false
                                                                    the broker for misreporting of income.
                 invoice or, in general, a false piece of documentary
                 evidence; or                                       Conclusion
                 (b) invoice in respect of supply or receipt of goods   In the faceless era of assessment, we shall witness
                 or services or both issued by the person or any    such additions more frequently as time passes by.
                 other person without actual supply or receipt of   Transient  of  information  from  one  officer  to
                 such goods or services or both; or                 another officer or assessment unit is now more
                                                                    likely than earlier. In time to come, it will be more
                 (c) invoice in respect of supply or receipt of goods
                                                                    difficult  for  the  tax  practitioners  to  handle
                 or services or both to or from a person who does
                                                                    faceless  assessment  where  such  additions  and
                 not exist.]”
                                                                    disallowances  will  be  common.  Apart  from
                 The above section penalises all the false entries   section 37(1), there are other sections in Income
                 found in the books of accounts of an assessee and   Tax  Act  which  prohibits  an  expenditure  for
                 the amount of such penalty shall be less than equal   deduction against income either fully, partly or not
                 to the total value of the entries which are found to   during the relevant financial year in which such
                 be false/bogus. Hence, it is stated in context to the   expenses were incurred. To name a few, section
                 aforesaid illustration, that not only the provisions   43B, Section 40(2)A, Section 40(a)(ia)of Income
                 of section 115 BBE will be attracted, the AO may   Tax Act, 1961. However, section 37(1)of Income
                 also invoke section 271AADof Income Tax Act,       Tax Act,  1961  is  basic  test  for  allowability  of
                 1961and impose 100% penalty on the total amount    business expenditure against business income of
                 of brokerage expense claimed by the assessee and   the assessee.
                 total amount of income from brokerage claimed by


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