Page 12 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 12

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                         ANALYSIS OF EXPENSES ALLOWABLE

                        UNDER SECTION 37 OF I.T. ACT, 1961

                                                  PARAS KOCHAR, ADVOCATE

                 Business expenses mean any expenses which are      Explanation 1—For the removal of doubts, it is
                 spent wholly and exclusively for the purpose of    hereby declared that any expenditure incurred by
                 business. Such expenses should have commercial     an assessee for any purpose which is an offence or
                 expediency. Business expenses which are revenue    which is prohibited by law shall not be deemed to
                 in  nature,  are  allowable  as  deduction  u/s  37of   have been incurred for the purpose of business or
                 Income Tax Act, 1961. Business expenses which      profession and no deduction or allowance shall be
                 are capital in nature are not claimed as deduction   made in respect of such expenditure.
                 against income of current year of the assessee. The
                                                                    Explanation 2.—For the removal of doubts, it is
                 expression  “for  the  purpose  of  the  business”  is
                                                                    hereby  declared  that  for  the  purposes  of  sub-
                 essentially  wider  than  the  expression  “for  the
                                                                    section  (1),  any  expenditure  incurred  by  an
                 purpose of earning profits”. It covers not only the
                                                                    assessee  on  the  activities  relating  to  corporate
                 running of the business or its administration but
                                                                    social responsibility referred to in section 135 of
                 also measures for the Preservation of the business
                                                                    the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) shall not be
                 and protection of its assets and property.
                                                                    deemed  to  be  an  expenditure  incurred  by  the
                 Personal  expenses  are  out  of  the  purview  of   assessee  for  the  purposes  of  the  business  or
                 business  expenses.  However,  business  expenses   profession.
                 incurred  for  any  unlawful  full  business  is  not
                                                                    (2B) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
                 allowed  to  be  claimed  as  deduction  against
                                                                    section (1), no allowance shall be made in respect
                 business income.
                                                                    of  expenditure  incurred  by  an  assessee  on
                 Section  37  of  the  Income  Tax  Act,  1961is  a   advertisement  in  any  souvenir,  brochure,  tract,
                 residuary  section  for  allowability  of  business   pamphlet  or  the  like  published  by  a  political
                 expenditure and the same is given below:           party”

                  ”37. (1) Any expenditure (not being expenditure of   As  per  above  section,  following  conditions  are
                 the nature described in sections 30 to 36 and not   required  to  be  fulfilled  for  Allowability  of
                 being  in  the  nature  of  capital  expenditure  or   business expenses -
                 personal  expenses  of  the  assessee,  laid  out  or
                                                                      Such expenditure should not be covered under
                 expended wholly and exclusively for the purposes
                                                                        the specific section i.e., sections 30 to 36of
                 of the business or profession shall be allowed in
                                                                        Income Tax Act, 1961.
                 computing the income chargeable under the head
                 “Profits and gains of business or profession”.       Expenditure should not be of capital nature


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