Page 9 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 9
e Journal
Nov. - Dec., 2021
Court further held that unless shown or authority. Therefore, the finding is a
explained to be wrong, they are an mixed one. There is no substantial
efficacious proof of the facts admitted. question of law arising from such an order
and which alternatively considers the
c) In CIT Central-III v. Lavanya Land Pvt.
Ltd. and Others [2017] 397 ITR 246 merits of the case as well.”
(Bom.), the Hon'ble Bombay High Court d) Retraction of statements recorded at
dismissed an appeal filed by the revenue odd hours: The admissibility of retraction
against the order of the ITAT, Mumbai had of statements which were given in an
set aside the additions made by the revenue exhausted state and at odd hours was
based on the statement made by person allowed by Gujarat High Court in
during search which was later retracted by Kailashben Manharlcil Choksi v. CIT
him. In this case, a search was conducted at [2010] 320 ITR 411 (Guj,). It was held that
the premises of one of handlers of the a statement which has been recorded u/s
assessee company and his statement was 132(4) at odd hours is not a voluntary
recorded which showed an admission that a statement if it is subsequently retracted.
large sum of money was received by him to The Court observed that the main
purchase lands in the name of the assessee grievance of the A.O. was that the
company. The statement was retracted by statement was not retracted
him after a period of two and a half months. immediately and it was done after two
On appeal, the ITAT Mumbai set aside the months. It was an afterthought and
addition made. Adverting to the fact that made under legal advise. High Court
the concerned person has retracted his held :Merely on the basis of admission
statement, the Tribunal arrived at the the assessee could not have been
conclusion that merely on the strength of subjected to such additions unless and
the alleged admission in the statement, until, some corroborative evidence is
the additions could not be made as the found in support of such admission. The
essential ingredients of Section 69C of Court also held that the statement
the IT Act enabling the additions were recorded at such odd hours cannot be
not satisfied. This was not a case of 'no considered to be a voluntary statement,
explanation'. Rather, the Tribunal if it is subsequently retracted and
concluded that the allegations made by necessary evidence is led contrary to
the authorities are not supported by such admission.
actual cash passing hands. Bombay High e) Principal CIT, Central III v. Krutika
Court, held while dismissing the appeal of Land (P.) Ltd. [2019] 103
the revenue: “It is not possible for us to 9 (SC): During search certain
reappraise and re-appreciate the factual incriminating documents were found in
findings. The finding that Section 153C possession of one DD, handling land
was not attracted and its invocation was bad acquisition on behalf of assessee-
in law is not based just on an interpretation company and his statement was
of Section 153C but after holding that the recorded. He stated that there were
ingredients of the same were not satisfied in amounts disbursed for purchase of
the present case. That is an exercise carried lands and a certain amount of cash had
out by the Tribunal as a last factfinding
also been received by him to purchase