Page 8 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 8

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                        Maheshwari Industries v. Asstt. CIT [2005]         showing inter alia use of force, coercion,
                        148  Taxman  74  (Jodh)  (Mag.)  held  that        intimidation  or  any  mistake  of  fact/law,
                        additions should be considered on merits           whatever may be the case.
                        rather than merely on the basis of the fact        d) Highlight Error – In case of a mistake
                        that  the  amount  was  surrendered.  It  is       of fact or law, it must clearly lay down as to
                        settled  legal  position  that  unless  the        what  mistake  took  place  in  making  the
                        provision of statute warrant or there is a         statement, the reason for the same and the
                        necessary  implication  on  reading  of            actual  correct  position.  Evidences  in
                        section  that  the  principles  of  natural        support of the correct facts must also be
                        justice  are  excluded,  the  provision  of        attached.
                        section should be construed in manner
                        incorporating  principles  of  natural             e) Inform Senior Officers – In addition to
                        justice and quasi-judicial bodies should           the  A.O.,  Authorised  Officer  (who
                        generally read in the provision relevant           conducted the Search), a retraction which
                        section  a  requirement  of  giving  a             is made on affidavit or otherwise should
                        reasonable opportunity of being heard              also  be  communicated  to  higher
                        before an order is made which will have            authorities.
                        adverse  civil  consequences  for  parties         f)  Earlier  the  better  –  Any  retraction
                        effected.                                          should be done at the earliest without any
                    8.  Mode  and  Manner  of  Retraction:                 delay. A retraction made immediately may
                        Retraction of a statement later on, which          strengthen  the  case  of  the  assessee
                        was made during the search operation is not        whereas a belated retraction will in most
                        an easy way to escape the tax implications         cases would be seen as an afterthought.
                        and requires corroborative evidence and     9.  Some  decisions  where  Retraction  of
                        documents to support the retraction and     Statement was held VALID:
                        show  the  circumstances  as  to  why  the     a)  Pullangode  Rubber  Produce  Co.  Ltd.  v.
                        person is retracting his statement made            State of Kerala [1973] 91 ITR 18 (SC) :
                        earlier.  The  person  has  to  go  through        Their  Lordships  while  observing  that
                        minute scrutiny by the tax authorities and
                        the  Courts  later  on,  if  the  need  be.  The   admission  is  an  extremely  important
                                                                           piece of evidence, held that, it cannot be
                        following aspects should be kept in mind:          said to be conclusive and the maker can

                        a)  Affidavit – A retraction should be made        show that it was incorrect. [Also refer S.
                                                                           Arjun  Singh  v.  CWT  [1989]  175  ITR
                        on  an  affidavit  along  with  supporting         91/[1988] 41 Taxman 272 (Delhi)].
                        evidences, if any;
                                                                       b)  Avadh  Kishore  Das  v.  Ram  Gopal AIR
                        b)  Affidavit  of  witnesses  –  Additional
                        affidavit  of  the  witnesses  present  during     1979  SC  861: The  Supreme  Court  held
                                                                           that  evidentiary  admissions  are  not
                        search may also be filed. Such statement           conclusive proof of the facts admitted
                        holds good value and may aid the assessee
                        in getting relief.                                 and may be explained or shown to be
                                                                           wrong, but they do raise an estoppel and
                        c)  Elaborate – It must clearly lay down the       shift  the  burden  of  proof  on  to  the
                        facts of the case and detail the evidences         person  making  them.  The  Supreme


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