Page 94 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 94

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                       FATE OF CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT

                               UNDER IBC : SUPREME COURT

                                                    CA Binay Kumar Singhania
                                                         Insolvency Professional

                 Tata  Consultancy  Services  Pvt  Limited  made pursuance to start of insolvency and proper
                 (Appellant)  entered  into  aagreement  with  SK   mails from time to time were given to CD. The
                 Wheels  Pvt  Ltd  (CD)on  1   December,  2016      deficiency  were  notified  even  prior  to  start  of
                 whereby  CD had to provide premises with certain   insolvency.  It  was  also  mentioned  that
                 specifications  and  facilities  to  the  appellant  for   moratorium is applicable on provision of goods
                 conducting  examinations  for  educational  and supplied to CD. Whereas in the instant case
                 institutions.  Agreement  contained  a  clause  of   the provision of goods and services are used by
                 termination with immediate effect in case material   appellant and not CD. Appellant also stated that
                 deficiencies are not rectified within 30 days.     third party has a legal right of termination even
                                                                    after start of insolvency.
                 Appellant  wrote  mails  to  CD  for  deficiency  in
                 services  on  several  occasions  before  start  of   Hon'ble  Supreme  Court  heard  the  matter  and
                 insolvency.  Insolvency  was  admitted  on  29     concluded that third party right can not be done
                 March,  2019.  Thereafter  again  appellant  wrote   away with. The notice period of 30 days is not
                 mails  for  deficiency  and  on  10  june,  2019   required  as  regular  notices  for  deficiencies  in
                 terminated the agreement. Resolution Professional   services  were  given  to  CD  even  prior  to
                 (RP) approached NCLT vide misc application u/s     insolvency. The termination of agreement will not
                 60(5) citing moratorium and also mentioned that    bring corporate death of CD as this agreement was
                 30 days notice period was also not given to CD.    not the sole source of revenue for CD. Apex court
                                                                    pronounced the order on 23  November, 2021 in
                 NCLT heard the matter and opined that termination
                                                                    favour  of  Appellant  and  cautioned  NCLT  and
                 of  agreement  will  have  effect  on  insolvency
                                                                    NCLAT  regarding  interference  with  a  party's
                 process  and  moratorium  is  applicable  after
                                                                    contractual right to terminate a contract. Even if
                 admission to insolvency. It further noted that 30
                                                                    the  contractual  dispute  arises  in  relation  to  the
                 days  notice  was  also  not  given  and  stayed  the
                                                                    insolvency,  a  party  can  be  restrained  from
                 termination on 18/12/2019. Appellant approached
                                                                    terminating the contract only if it is central to the
                 appellate tribunal (NCLAT ) whereby NCLAT also
                                                                    success  of  the  Corporate  insolvency  resolution
                 upheld  the  order  of  NCLT  on  24/06/2020  and
                                                                    process. The jurisdiction of NCLT under Section
                 termination of agreement continued to be stayed.
                                                                    60(5)(c)  of  IBC  cannot  be  invoked  in  matters
                 Appellant thereafter approached Hon'ble Supreme    where a termination may take place on grounds
                 Court and placed the fact that termination was not   unrelated to the insolvency of the CD.


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