Page 96 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 96

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 reduce cash flows in early stage Startups and also   Startups, allowing them to carry forward losses as
                 for retaining the top quality employees. They’re   long as all the shareholders continue to hold at
                 offered to the employees at a discount to the fair   least 1 share in the startup.
                 value of the shares.
                                                                       c.  The  catch:  By  now  you  know  too  well.
                    b.  The  problem:  When  employees  purchase    Eligible Startups refer to IMB certified startups
                 these shares, they’re supposed to pay tax on the   only.  Which  means  that  most  of  the  startups
                 differential  amount  between  fair  value  and  the   continue to surrender their losses every time there
                 discounted price they actually pay. Which means    is a major stake sale. Sigh!
                 they’re dishing out cash to buy shares and then also
                                                                    5.  Angel  Tax  exemption:  Only  good  for  early
                 paying tax on it. Their fleeting moment only comes   stages:
                 when they finally get to sell these shares which
                                                                       a.  You  should  know:  If  a  company  issues
                 often takes 1-3 years at the least.
                                                                    shares at a price more than its fair value, it attracts
                    c.  The solution : In 2020, the GoI finally took
                                                                    taxes under section 56(2)(viib) of the Income tax
                 cognizance  of  this  problem  and  decided  that   Act, which is dubbed as ‘Angel tax’.
                 employees  of  Eligible  Startups  can  defer  the
                                                                       b.  What’s  fair  value?:  For  Income  tax
                 payment  of  tax  on  ESOPs  until  they  sell  their
                                                                    purposes,  fair  value  is  determined  from  a
                 shares or on expiry of 5 years or when they leave
                                                                    Merchant  Banker  report  which  conducts  a
                 the startup, whichever is the earliest. Wow!, right?
                                                                    Discounted  Cash  Flow  (DCF)  valuation  of  the
                    d.  The catch : Employees of Startups having    company.  This  valuation  drill  comes  at  a
                 turnover exceeding INR 25 Crore cannot avail this   considerable price which is the problem for early
                 benefit. That’s a tiny threshold!                  stage Startups who have little cash to spare.

                    e.  The bigger catch : Eligible Startups refer to      c.  The  solution:  DPIIT  recognised  startups
                 IMB certified startups only. Which is a coveted    can fill up a simple declaration form at the Startup
                 group of only 399 Startups as of today.            India portal to exempt themselves from Angel tax.

                 4.  Carve out for carry forward of losses: But you   This basically means that these Startups can raise
                 again can’t take benefit:                          funds by issuing shares in excess of their fair value
                                                                    or basically without bothering a merchant banker
                    a.  You should know: If there is a significant
                                                                    for a report.
                 change in ownership of a company (more than 49%
                 shareholding  change)  then  the  losses  cannot  be      d.  The  catch:  While  this  scheme  has  clear
                 carried forward.                                   cash flow benefits for early stage startups, those
                                                                    that are raising funds in excess of INR 25 Crore
                 Here’s a fact: Most startups incur losses to blitz-
                                                                    (i.e. appx. $3.5Mil) cannot take advantage of this.
                 scale and most startups issue shares and sell stakes
                 to raise funds. Without the brought forward losses,      So now you’ll agree: While the GoI has done
                 these startups will have to pay taxes as soon as they   commendable work in identifying areas where it
                 make profit.                                       could extend monetary benefits to startups, most
                                                                    of  these  benefits  still  remain  parked  in  theory
                    b.  The solution: The GoI introduced a carve
                                                                    books without having any meaningful impact on
                 out in Section 79 of the Income tax Act for Eligible
                                                                    the startup ecosystem.


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