Page 10 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 10

Among the four state run general in-  forcement and Emergency care to re-  share  that  that  electronic  system
          surance companies, only New India As-  duce accidents atleast by 50 per cent  which is almost setup now will soon
          surance Company is publicly listed,  by 2030," the Minister said.    start a monthly dataanalysis , based on
          while  the  other  three  are  entirely  In emergency care, the industry should  which a senior project director or offi-
          owned by the government. Despite the                                 cial will visit the accident site and im-
                                            focus on using its resources to ensure
          government's intention to privatise  that accident victims get healthcare  mediately work on shortterm engi-
          one general insurance company and                                    neering defaults if any are found,"
                                            attention in the golden hour and can
          the parliamentary approval of amend-  help facilitate organ donation in seri-  MoRTH Secretary said.
          ments to the General Insurance Busi-  ous injuries to save lives, the minister
          ness (Nationalisation) Act (GIBNA) to  emphasised.                   ICICI  Lombard  profit  up
          facilitate  it,  there  has  been  no
          progress.                         MoRTH Secretary Anurag Jain said the 22% at Rs. 431 crore
                                            government is working with the insur-  ICICI Lombard General Insurance re-
          Road Ministry aims to re-         ance  ecosystem  on  the  'Cashless  ported a 22.4% rise in third-quarter
                                            Golden Hour Scheme'.               profit, helped by a growth in premiums
          duce accidents by half in 7
                                            "We are working on the final stages of  and investment income.
          years, says Nitin Gadkari         this insurance scheme, which will be  Profit after tax rose to 4.31 billion ru-

          The Minister of Road Transport and  out for public in next few months" Jain  pees (nearly $52 million) for the quar-
          Highways Nitin Gadkari said that the  said, adding that, the new contracts  ter ended Dec. 31 from 3.53 billion ru-
          aim of his ministry is to halve the road  the ministry is drafting, will make it  pees ($42.61 million) a year earlier, the
          accidents in the country by 2030.  compulsory to have ambulance, and  ICICI Bank - backed company said in an
                                            paramedics at all tollgates," he added.
          India witnesses 53 accidents and 19                                  exchange filing.
          deaths every hour, most of which are  On engineering initiatives, Gadkari un-  Motor insurance, the company's big-
          young people which is not acceptable  derscored the need for improving the  gest segment, contributed 50.8% to
          and addressing it is the Ministry of  quality of detailed project reports on  the total premium earned, while its
          Road  Transport  and  Highways'   part of industry, particularly focusing on  fastest growing health insurance seg-
          (MoRTH) top priority, Gadkari said at  quality of roads, and safety perspec-  ment posted 42.4% growth.
          the CII's national conclave on road  tive.                           Net premium earned during the quar-
          safety.                           "We have worked on an Electronic Ac-  ter rose 13.5% to 43.05 billion rupees.
          "As a country, we have to come to-  cident Reporting System. Earlier there  Income from investments - another
          gether to focus on the 4EsEngineering  was a timelag in identifying black spots  key metric - rose nearly 15% to 6.66
          of Roads and Vehicles, Education, En-  and correcting them. Am happy  to
                                                                               billion rupees in the December-quarter.
                                                                               The insurer's combined ratio, an im-
                         ESIC adds 1.59 million in Nov                         portant profitability metric for an in-
           Provisional payroll data from the Employees' State Insurance Corporation  surance firm's underwriting business,
           (ESIC) indicates that approximately 1.59 million new employees joined India's  improved to 103.6% from 104.4% a
           workforce. This figure marks a 7.5% decrease compared to the 1.72 million  year ago.
           new employees added in October.
           The ministry of labour and employment said that of the new additions, about      Join
           747,000 were young employees under the age of 25. November saw the
           inclusion of around 20,830 new establishments under the ESIC's social secu-  Online Certificate
           rity scheme, expanding coverage to more workers.
                                                                                        Course on
           Notably, nearly half (47%) of the total 1.59 million employees added in No-
           vember were youths under 25, showcasing a significant generation of job  Digital Trends in Motor
           opportunities for the nation's younger population.
           The gender-wise analysis of the payroll data revealed that women accounted
           for 317,000 of the net enrolments in November, with 58 transgender em-   For details please visit
           ployees also registering under the ESI scheme.             

         10    February 2024  The Insurance Times
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