Page 12 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 12

feedback mechanism to understand  keep pace with changing times in the  ance Limited to carry health insurance
          how the regulatory architecture is get-  insurance industry.         business in India after a hiatus of 5 Af-
          ting translated on the ground. For ex-  "We are considering a sunset clause of  ter approval, there will be 6 Standalone
          ample, the feedback led to the intro-                                Health Insurance Companies (SAHI) in-
                                            three years on regulations for policy dy-
          duction of a simple customer informa-  namism," said Panda. "From 100 odd  stead of 5.
          tion sheet in health insurance," he said.
                                            policy regulations, we are hoping to have
          IRDAI has mandated insurers to create  15-odd regulations to streamline indus- IRDAI eases norms for in-
          the revised CIS from January 1 onwards.  try growth. This is what will provide ease  surer investment in infra-

          CIS  will  include material  details of  of doing business and the operational
          health insurance policies such as sum  freedom and flexibility" he said.  structure debt funds
          assured, exclusions, sub-limits, etc in a                            The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
          simplified language. "Same would be Narayana  Health  gets           opment Authority of India (IRDAI) has
          introduced in other lines of business,"  IRDAI approval              relaxed certain norms on investment in
          he added.                                                            infrastructure debt funds (IDFs) of non-
                                            IRDAI approved Narayana Health's In-  banking financial companies (NBFCs) by
          To promote further innovation, the  dian health insurance launch. The com-  insurance companies.
          regulator conducts an insuretech open  pany operates Narayana Hospital, a
          house where it interacts with tech com-  major hospital chain. IRDAI stated in a  Previously, insurers were permitted to
          panies on a monthly basis to understand                              invest in IDFs backed by the central gov-
                                            press release that "Insurance Regula-
          and implement innovative solutions  tory & Development Authority of India  ernment on a case-by-case basis. The
          that give a fillip to the insurance sector.  (IRDAI) in its 124th meeting held on  regulator has done away with the re-
                                                                               quirement for case-by-case approval for
          Panda also said that they are consider-  December 28, 2023, has granted a Cer-  IDF as a measure to encourage invest-
          ing a provision that would require laws  tificate of Registration to a new health  ments by insurers in the sector and to
          to be reviewed every three years to  insurer namely, Narayana Health Insur-  increase the ease of doing business.

                                                                               This is in the wake of the Reserve Bank
           New consolidated regulation on expenses of man-                     of India's (RBI's) decision to enable IDF-
                                                                               NBFCs to play a greater role in financ-
           agement notified by IRDAI                                           ing the infrastructure sector.
           Based on the Regulation Review Committee's (RRC) recommendations, IRDAI
                                                                               According  to  recent  regulation  by
           released a consolidated EoM regulation, including commissions. Based on  IRDAI, insurers are allowed to make
           RRC recommendation, IRDAI released an exposure draft on the EoM in No-  investments in IDF-NBFCs which are
           vember 2023, including commission for life and non-life insurance compa-  registered with the RBI and have a mini-
           nies. Instead of keeping separate commission-related and EoM regulations,  mum credit rating of AA or its equiva-
           the RRC suggested merging them.                                     lent by a Credit Rating Agency regis-
           After repealing three regulations, the RRC recommended the IRDAI (EoM,  tered with the Securities and Exchange
           including commission, of insurers) Regulations 2023. The new regulations will  Board of India (Sebi) to be eligible for
           take effect on April 1, 2024, and last three years. The regulator gave stake-  the investment.
           holders until December 6, 2023, to comment and suggest.
           The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Expenses of         Join
           Management of Insurers Transacting General or Health Insurance Business)
           Regulations, 2023, the Life Insurance Business Regulations, 2023, and the  Online Certificate
           Commission Regulations, 2023, were repealed. This draft is based on RRC      Course on
           suggestions from November 2023 to merge the three regulations.
                                                                                     Digital Trends in
           The three regulations were merged into one to simplify, and it has no signifi-
           cant changes from the initial one, said an unnamed industry official. The    Reinsurance
           IRDAI directed the Councils to form an RRC with stakeholder representatives
           to improve ease of doing business and simplify regulations by moving to a  For details please visit
           principles-based regime to make them more effective.       

         12    February 2024  The Insurance Times
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