Page 15 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 15

The budget allocated for Ayushman  sector watchdog to help achieve the  ance for All" by 2047, which means
          Bharat PM-JAY for the financial year  IRDAI Vision 2047.             every citizen will have appropriate life,
          2023-24 is Rs 7,200 crore, which is  The AHPI, representing a vast major-  health and property insurance cover-
          likely to more than double to around  ity of private sector hospitals in the  age and every enterprise will be sup-
          Rs 15,000 crore in the financial year                                ported by appropriate insurance solu-
                                            country, is also represented on the
          2025.                                                                tions.
                                            IRDAI advisory for the healthcare sec-
          The AB PMJAY crossed the milestone  tor.                             This can only happen if the govern-
          of  generating  30  crore  Ayushman  In an official letter, the AHPI said, "This  ment insurance schemes are restruc-
          cards on January 12.              is  a  welcome  move  as  making   tured in a manner that more and more
          With 4.83 crore cards, Uttar Pradesh  healthcare available, accessible and af-  tertiary-care hospitals come forward
          tops the list of states having the maxi-  fordable has been resolved by the  and get empanelled in these schemes
          mum  Ayushman  cards.  Madhya     present government." The AHPI is very  to  enable  the  beneficiaries  to  get
          Pradesh and Maharashtra stand  at  much engaged in this initiative. Pen-  healthcare services, the AHPI said.
          number two and three positions with  etration of private insurance is increas-  "We have been requesting to have an
          3.78 crore and 2.39 crore Ayushman  ing at a fast pace and along with gov-  independent agency that can restruc-
          cards respectively, they said.    ernment-run insurance, India should  ture these schemes, including fixing re-
                                            soon be covering 70 per cent of the  imbursement rates for various medical
          AHPI welcomes proposed            population, which will be a milestone  procedures on a scientific basis. With-
                                            to achieve Universal Health Coverage  out this, most hospitals are not com-
          regulator exclusively for         (UHC), it said.                    ing forward to empanel under these
          health insurance                  The AHPI has suggested that the pro-  schemes, depriving extending tertiary

          The Association of Healthcare Provid-  posed regulator, besides regulating the  care to the beneficiaries under these
          ers India (AHPI) has lauded the Minis-  private insurance sector, must also  schemes. We request that the pro-
          try of Finance for contemplating set-  cover all insurance schemes run by the  posed regulator should also cover gov-
          ting up an independent regulator for  government, such as PMJAY, CGHS,  ernment health insurance schemes,"
          health insurance.                 ECHS, ESI etc.                     said Dr Girdhar Gyani, Director Gen-
          The ministries of finance and health  Under the IRDAI Vision 2047, the gov-  eral, AHPI.
          are in discussions over the need for a  ernment is aiming to provide "Insur-
                                                                               Group Health Policies lead

           India registered 930,000 cancer deaths in 2019, says                the way as medical infla-
           study                                                               tion, retail premiums bite

           India registered about 1.2 million new cancer cases and 930,000 deaths in  As medical inflation surges along with
                                                                               rising health insurance premiums, em-
           2019, becoming the second highest contributor to the disease burden in
           Asia for that year, according to a new study published in The Lancet Re-  ployer group insurance has emerged as
           gional Health Southeast Asia journal.                               the fastest-growing segment of health
                                                                               insurance, according to the industry in-
           Researchers found that India, along with China and Japan, were the three  formation provided in the draft red
           leading countries in Asia in terms of number of new cases and deaths, where  herring prospectus  of Medi  Assist,
           they say cancer has become a more significant public health threat with  India's largest insurance third party ad-
           9.4 million new cases and 56 lakh deaths in 2019.
                                                                               ministrator (TPA) that is gearing up for
           Of these, while China contributed the most with 4.8 million new cases and  its IPO.
           2.7 million  deaths, Japan recorded about 900,000 new cases and 440,000  As per the 'Independent Market As-
           deaths, the international team of researchers including those from the  sessment of Health Benefits Adminis-
           National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and All India Institute of Medi-  trators in Indian Health Insurance In-
           cal Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur and Bathinda, said.
                                                                               dustry' report by Frost & Sullivan com-
           "We examined the temporal patterns of 29 cancers in 49 Asian countries  missioned by Medi Assist, there has
           between 1990 and 2019 using estimates from the Global Burden of Disease,  been a 31% jump in insurance penetra-
           Injuries and Risk Factors 2019 Study (GBD 2019)," they wrote in their study.  tion postCovid aided by a significant

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