Page 16 - Insurance Times February 2024
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jump in insurance penetration in group  Among various segments under the  Home health care finding
         policies during the pandemic.      nonlife insurance business, the health

         Group policies have grown at a CAGR  insurance business is the largest seg-  takers in smaller cities
         of  18.2%  between  FY17  and  FY22,  ment, with a contribution of 38.02 per  India's home health care industry,
         higher than the growth posted by re-  cent (36.48 per cent in 202122) of the  estimated to be worth $8.8 billion
         tail as well as government insurance.  total premium. The health insurance  in 2023, is expanding to smaller cit-
         With a greater number of companies  segment reported growth of 21.32 per  ies as service costs reduce and insur-
                                                                                ance cover expands, say experts.
         rolling out employee-centric health  cent (26.27 per cent growth in 202122)
         and wellness benefits, employer group  with the premium amounting to Rs.  An ageing population, a growing
         policies led to a significant increase in  97,633 crore from Rs. 80,502 crore in  middle class, lifestyle diseases, em-
         lives covered in recent years.     202122.                             phasis on public-private partnerships
                                                                                and the adoption of digital tech-
         Nevertheless, only 37% of lives were  The motor segment witnessed a year  nologies are other factors helping
         covered  under  health  insurance  on year growth of 15.40 per cent, with  the industry alternatively known as
         schemes in India in FY22 with govern-  premium collection amounting to Rs.  out-of-hospital care. The industry
         ment policies covering 22% and private  81,280  crore  in  202223  from  Rs.  provides at-home care and assists
         health insurance covering 15%. It re-  70,433 crore in 202122.         patients needing rehabilitation after
         sults in high out-of-pocket expenses for                               hospitalisation.
                                            "The surge in demand for health cov-
         the uncovered population at a time  erage in India over the past year has  Vivek Srivastava, founder and chief
         when medical inflation is more than                                    executive officer (CEO) of HCAH In-
                                            prompted insurers to introduce tailored
         double the general inflation rate of 5-                                dia, said out-of-hospital care is any
                                            products, leverage digital platforms
         6%. This rising healthcare cost is push-                               service that does not require a su-
         ing people to buy health insurance.  for  accessibility,  and  expand  their  per-specialist  to  be  physically
                                            healthcare provider networks,'' Ritesh
                                                                                present and specialised infrastruc-
                                            Kumar,  MD  and  CEO,  HDFC  ERGO
         Health cover drives growth         General Insurance, told.            ture to deliver care.
                                                                                "Such  services  will  be  required
         in non-life insurance              The industry is undergoing a significant  across the country. In fact, it may be
         With about 24 per cent growth in the  digital transformation, with platforms  more relevant beyond metro cities
         current financial year, health insurance  and mobile apps enhancing policyhold-  because  it  addresses  access,
         is now driving the nonlife insurance  ers' convenience in purchasing, claim-  affordability and standardised out-
         business.                          ing, and accessing essential informa-  comes which are more required in
         The trend has become more visible in  tion, he added.                  smaller cities," he said.
         recent years, thanks to the awareness  During 2022-23, the nonlife insurance  Home health care companies said
         Covid19 has generated, a senior official  industry underwrote a total direct pre-  they are trying to reduce the out-of-
         of the IRDAI told.                 mium of Rs. 2.57 lakh crore in India,  pocket expenditure families have to
         "The upcoming unified digital platform  registering a growth of 16.40 per cent  bear. According to the government's
                                                                                National Health Accounts estimates
         for all insurance needs, Bima Sugam,  from the previous year. Out of which,  for 2019-20, private out-of-pocket
         will make health cover more transpar-  27 private sector insurers (including  expenditure accounted for 47.1 per
         ent and accessible, which will further  standalone health insurers) have under-  cent of the overall health care costs
         augment the reach of health cover,"  written Rs. 1.58 lakh crore as against  borne by a family.
         the official said.                 Rs. 1.30 lakh crore in 202122.
                                                                                Amol Deshmukh, founder and CEO
         There has been a significant rise in the  The specialised insurers underwrote a  of MedRabbits, home health care
         contribution  of  health  insurance  gross direct premium amounting to Rs.  significantly decreases expenses for
         coverto overall nonlife insurance. For  15,818 crore. The public sector general  customers compared to what hospi-
         instance, in FY22, the proportion of  insurers together contributed 38.42  tals charge. "There are no room
         healthlines in business was 34 per cent,  per cent of the market share, while  rent charges at home, with home
         and at the end of the third quarter of  the private sector general insurers  health care minimising unnecessary
         the current financial year, it reached  contributed the remaining 61.58 per  doctor visits and hospital overhead
         38 per cent, as per the latest data.  cent.                            costs," he said.

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