Page 55 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 55

Supreme Court directs insurer to pay                the amount awarded to INR 12,60,000 with 7% interest. It
                                                              also set aside the direction to pay compensation of INR 1
          reinstatement value of goods damaged                lakh.

          in fire instead of depreciated value
                                                              Issue before the Supreme Court
          The Supreme Court has upheld an order of the State  Whether in the facts and circumstances of the case and on
          Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Punjab, which  true interpretation of relevant clause of insurance policy, in
          granted INR 29,17,500 to an insurer and was eventually  case of damage of the plant and machinery due to fire, the
          modified by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal  complainant shall be entitled to the reinstatement value or
          Commission to INR 12,60,000. The rate of interest was also  the depreciated value?
          modified from 9% to 7%.
                                                              Analysis by the Supreme Court
          On perusal of the insurance policy a Bench comprising Justice
                                                              Upon reading the relevant clause, i.e. Section 2, Clause 9,
          M.R. Shah and Justice C.T. Ravikumar decided that the
                                                              the Court noted that an option is given to the insurance
          insured was entitled to the reinstatement value and not the
                                                              company to reinstate or replace property damaged or
          depreciated value. It held that the insured was entitled to
                                                              destroyed instead of paying the amount of loss or damage.
          INR 29,17,500/ being the reinstatement value with interest
                                                              It observed that as per the insurance policy, in case the
          @ 7% from the date of order of the State Commission in
                                                              insurance company is unable to reinstate or repair because
          2014, till the actual payment.
                                                              of some municipal or other regulations, it shall be liable to
          Factual Background                                  pay such sum as would be requisite to reinstate or repair
          M/s. Oswal Plastic Industries obtained Standard Fire And  such property if the same could be lawfully reinstated to its
          Special Perils Policy with effect from 02.07.2009. Fire broke  former  condition.  In the  case  at  hand,  the insurance
          out in the factory premises on 17.10.2009, i.e., at the time  company was unable to reinstate or repair the property. The
          the policy was subsisting, resulting in loss of material, stock  Court, thus, concluded that the insured is entitled to the
          and machinery of the value of INR 76,64,000. The surveyor  reinstatement value and not the depreciated value.
          of the insurance company assessed the loss on reinstatement
                                                              Case details
          value  at  INR  29,17,500  and  on  depreciated  value  at
                                                              M/s  Oswal Plastic  Industries  v.  Manager,  Legal  Deptt
          12,60,000. However, the insurance company repudiated the
                                                              N.A.I.C.O Ltd.| 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 34 | CA 83 of 2023 | 13
          claim. A complaint was filed before the State Consumer
                                                              Jan 2023 | Justice M.R. Shah and Justice C.T. Ravikumar
          Disputes Redressal Commission, Punjab with a claim of INR
          76,64,000 along with interest. On the basis of the surveyor  Insurance Contract - Fire and Special Perils policy- Supreme
          report,  the  State  Commission  awarded  a  sum  of  INR  Court directs insurer to pay reinstatement value of the goods
          29,17,500 with 9% interest from the date of repudiation,  damaged and not the depreciated value, because as per the
          along with a compensation of INR 1 lakh and INR 11,000 as  policy, in case the insurance company is unable to reinstate
          litigation expenses. The insurance company approached the  or repair because of some municipal or other regulations, it
          National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)  shall be liable to pay such sum as would be requisite to
          in appeal. The NCDRC allowed the appeal and modified  reinstate or repair such property.

               MoUs soon to bring non-network hosps under cashless plan

           Insurance companies have asked different third party administrators (TPA) to talk to non-network hospitals for signing
           MoUs with them to expedite ‘cashless everywhere’ scheme in Bengal. GM health of National Insurance, Kasturi
           Sengupta, said that it has already shared the MoU format for non-network hospitals to TPAs. “We want do it fast,”
           she added. NIC is the lead insurer in east for preferred providers’ network (PPN) and has the strongest network.
           Sengupta pointed out that signing of MoU with non-network hospitals is important for taking them on board for the
           scheme. “We will call meeting of all the stakeholders later this week. Last week was mostly holidays and the circular
           came on Jan 24. So, stakeholders also need to understand modalities before giving any comment,” she added. There
           are around 200 network hospitals in the city that already offer cashless facility, while the number of non-network is
           around 225-250. Some of the big names not under cashless network includes Sri Aurobindo Seva Kendra, Bhagirathi
           Neotia (Park Street) and Ramakrishna Mission Seva Prathisthan and Nightingale, among others.

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