Page 57 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 57


          IRDAI Corner

         Investments in Infrastructure Debt Funds Submission  of  Advance  Reinsurance
         - NBFC                                               Programme

                                                  05.01.2024                                          05.01.2024

         1. Reference is drawn to Note 2 of Regulation 9 of IRDAI
             (Investment) Regulations 2016 which stipulates that “In-  1. The Authority has issued the IRDAI (Re-Insurance) Regu-
             vestment in Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDF), backed by  lations, 2018 which deal with the operational aspects
             Central Government as approved by the Authority, on a  of placement of reinsurance. As per the Regulation 3(A)
             case to case basis shall be reckoned for “investments in  of the  above Regulations an advance reinsurance
             infrastructure. Accordingly, the Authority had allowed  programme shall be submitted by every insurer in a
             insurers’ investments in certain IDFs on case to case basis.  specified summary format, to the Authority, at least 45

         2. In the recent review of regulatory framework for IDF-  days before the commencement of the financial year.
             NBFCs, RBI enabled IDFNBFCs to play a greater role in  2. The formats for submission of summary advance rein-
             financing of the infrastructure sector.
                                                                 surance programme by insurers are attached as Annex-
         3. To encourage further investments by insurers in the in-  ure A for General Insurers (including standalone Health
             frastructure sector and to enhance ease of doing busi-  Insurers, Reinsurers, FRBs and Exempted Insurers) and
             ness, the requirement of case to case approval for an  Annexure B for Life Insurers and FRBs respectively.
             investment in an IDF is done away with. Insurers are
             allowed to make investments in IDF-NBFCs which will  3. Insurers are advised to follow the guidelines outlined in
             be reckoned as infrastructure investments, subject to  Annexure C while submitting information in the speci-
             the following conditions:                           fied format.
             a) IDF-NBFC is registered with RBI.              4. The Board of every insurer shall ensure that the ad-
             b) Debt securities shall have residual tenure of not less  vance reinsurance programme is submitted to the Au-
                 than 5 years.                                   thority in the specified format within the stipulated
                                                                 timeframe as mentioned in the Regulations.
             c)  Minimum Credit Rating of AA or its equivalent by a
                 Credit Rating Agency registered with SEBI to be eli-  In case of Exempted insurers, if there is no Board / CEO
                 gible for approved investments.                 / CFO, then the Authorized Person(s) shall ensure the
             d) Exposure norms as per Note 3 of Regulation 9 of  submission of advance reinsurance programme in the
                 IRDAI (investment) Regulations, 2016 shall be ap-  specified summary formats.
                 plicable.                                    5. Insurers shall submit a  confirming the information in
         This circular is issued with the approval of Competent Au-  the summary Reinsurance programme duly signed by
         thority.                                                CEO and CFO as per the attached Annexure D.

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