Page 335 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 335
Guide for Motor Insurance
Own damage: Nature & type of damage sustained,
extent, value recoveries if any
Third Party: Injured persons, nature, type & extent of
injury, age, income Case No. Court jurisdiction.
Claimants-age dependency
Amount awarded, legal fees and other expenses.
2. Output Data:
The collating and processing of the above data
provides a platform for the insurer to take
appropriate decisions on motor insurance. The
underwriting and claims data provide a number of
useful statements for insurers.
3. Input Data:
Insurers records are now created recorded and
stored on a computerized system. The information
for underwriting has to be accurate and complete
to generate the policy documents, and accounting
links. Most of the underwriting information
generated is in terms of the TAC requirements.
There will be a few deviations to incorporate the
additional underwriting features that the respective
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