Page 339 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 339

Guide for Motor Insurance

      vehicles. The premium you need to pay to the car
      insurer after buying a car insurance policy is dependent
      on a number of factors. The latest method of paying
      the premium is online purchase of policy.

      Information technology's benefits are only as good as
      the raw information supplied. It therefore, requires a
      strong commitment and interest from the top
      management of organizations to ensure that the need
      for and importance of accurate raw data and the
      outcome's benefits are brought to the notice of all

      In a detariff environment the availability of statistical
      data to determine prices and profitability is of great
      importance. It is therefore essential that such
      information is available quickly and comprehensively.
      Thus a well planned and comprehensive information
      technology platform must be the goal of every insurer.

Q 9.  "TP Premiums are unviable." What is your
Ans:  perception about this statement?
      By the India Motor Vehicle Act, an automobile owner
      is compulsorily required to have a third party insurance
      to pay for any damages that occur in event of an
      accident. The scope of cover of the third party
      insurance is to pay compensation for death of bodily

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