Page 390 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 390
The Insurance Times
4. Third Party Property Damage By Fire :
Third Party Liability for loss of or damage to the
motor vehicles or other property by Fire is not
subject to the Motor Trade Internal Risks Tariff and
may not be added to a Policy there under.
5. Work away from Premises.
Internal Risks Policies may be extended to cover
the liability of the Insured arising out of work away
from his own premises at an additional premium of
0.065% on the total wages subject to a minimum
additional premium of Rs. 50/-. Endorsement IMT-
65 is to be used.
Q. 23. (i) List out "Non Motor" policies?
(ii) What is a Trailer? How a trailer is rated under
motor vehicle insurance?
Ans: Whilst legal liability in respect of use on a road cannot
be insured otherwise than under a Policy issued under
this tariff, it is permissible in the case of the following
types of vehicles, to give any other cover by means of a
Non- Motor Policy.
(a) Mobile Cranes
(b) Mechanical Navies, Shovels, Grabs, Rippers and
(c) Fork lift trucks,
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