Page 452 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 452
The Insurance Times
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Answer EIGHT questions only. Question ONE carries
16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other questions
carry 12 marks each.
1. Suggest the loss control measures to the 16
Insurance company to reduce the outgo
under T.P. Liability claims. (page no.379)
2. How are the fundamental principles of General 12
Insurance applicable to Motor Insurance. (page no.15)
3. Write about the importance of following 4 each
underwriting factors in motor insurance.
i) Age of the driver (page no.131)
ii) Make & Model of the car
iii) Area of operation (page no.217)
4. 6 each
i) List out the perils covered under Section I of the standard
package policy for a private car.(page no.136)
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