Page 447 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 447

Guide for Motor Insurance

ii) General Damages. (page no.288)
iii) Arbitration condition (page no.130)
iv) Authorization for emergency repairs. (page no.148)
v) Jalad Rahat Yojana (page no.92)

5. With increase in number of vehicles, increase 12
    in number of accidents, increased cost of labour
    and spare parts, it is essential to adopt prudent
    underwriting practice - Discuss.

6. Write short notes on :- (any three)              4 each
    a) Hire Purchase Agreement, (page no.356)
    b) Cancellation of Insurance (page no.168)
    c) Transfer of Vehicle. (page no.167)
    d) Change of Vehicle.

7. Write about the importance of. the               4 each
    following factors in motor underwriting :-
    i) Driver of vehicle. (page no.131)
    ii) Claims experience (page no.230)
    iii) Area of operation (page no.217)

8. Write in brief (on any three) :-                 4 each

a) Extension of Geographical Area. (page no.161)

b) Knock for knock agreement. (page no.257)

c) T.P.P.D. (page no.192)

d) Fire and / or thefts risks cover. (page no.193)

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