Page 446 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 446
The Insurance Times
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Answer EIGHT questions only. Question ONE carries
16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other questions
carry 12 marks each.
1. What are the procedures and powers of 16
Motor Accident Claim Tribunal? (page no.75-76)
2. Discuss the applicability of principle of 12
Indemnity in Motor Vehicle Insurance. Is there
any variation in the principle as compared to the
traditional principle of Indemnity. (page no.20)
3. 4 each
i) Chapter 10 of Motor Vehicles Act deals with "Liability
without Fault" What is no fault liability? (page no.63)
ii) How it differs from "Fault" liability?
iii) Are there any limitations to No Fault liability? (page no.78)
4. Write short notes (Any three) 4 each
i) Miscellaneous and special types of vehicles. (page no.30)
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