Page 441 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 441
Guide for Motor Insurance
MAY- 2008
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Answer EIGHT questions only. Question ONE carries
16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other questions
carry 12 marks each.
1. Under Section 146 of the Motor vehicles Act 1988, it
is compulsory to have third party Insurance if motor
vehicle is to ply in a public place. Define "Third Party"
& "Public space", giving the details of the requirements
of Section 146 as to compulsory Insurance and also
exemptions thereto, if any (page no.51) 16
2. Describe various aspects of Insurable 6 each
Interest in relation to Motor Vehicle Insurance:
(page no.17)
b) How does sale of a vehicle affect the policy of
insurance? Discuss. (page no.61)
3. Write short notes on : (Any three) 4 each
highlighting underwriting aspects:-
a) TPPD cover (page no.192)
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