Page 439 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 439

Guide for Motor Insurance


Time: 3 Hours                      Total Marks : 100

Answer EIGHT questions only. Question ONE carries 16 marks but this
        is not compulsory. All other questions carry 12 marks each

1. Mention the various underwriting factors        16
    which are considered in motor insurance and
    specify the importance of each. (page no.227)

2. Enumerate the various discounts granted under 12
    Own Damage Section of a Private Car Policy. (page no.191)

3. Highlight the importance of following          6 each
    documents in motor insurance :
    a) Cover note. (page no.169)
    b) Renewal Notice. (page no.197)

4. Write short notes on : (Any three) :           4 each

a) Conductor (page no.43)

b) Deemed Transfer of Certificate of Insurance (page no.61)

c) Structured Formula (page no.82)

d) Miscellaneous types of vehicles. (page no.30)

e) Jald Rahat Yojana (page no.92)

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