Page 444 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 444

The Insurance Times

Note : Depreciation was not taken on labour charges. If
depreciation is taken the claim would be 26,300/-.

5. a) List out the perils covered under the section 1 6

of the standard package policy form for the motorised

two wheelers. (page no.136)

b) Mention the specific exclusions applicable              3

to this section.

c) Specify the rate of depreciation in respect             3

of parts replaced. (page no.416)

6. Write a detailed note on Motor                          12
    Accident Claim Tribunal. (page no.72)

7. 6 each
    a) Which are the defences available in respect of an
         allegation for negligence? (page no.56)
    b) Which defences are available to the insurance company
         under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, for Third Party
         claims? (page no.297)

8. Write short notes on any three of                       4 each

the following:

i) Cash loss settlement (page no.245)

ii) Limitations as to use- Goods carrying vehicle

(page no.202)

iii) Short period scale of premium (page no.167)

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