Page 461 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 461
Guide for Motor Insurance
MAY - 2011
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Answer EIGHT questions only. Question number TEN
carries 16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other
questions carry 12 marks each.
1. Write short notes on : (any three) 4 each
a) Cash Loss Settlement (page no. 245)
b) Volenti Non-Fit injuria. (page no.277)
c) Area of operation (page no.217)
d) Cover Note (page no169)
2. Highlight the importance of the 4 each
following (any three) :
a) Documents required for transfer of policy in case of
death of Insured person. (page no.122)
b) 'Limitations as to use' provisions. (page no.110)
c) Renewal Notice (page no.197)
d) Moral Hazard as underwriting factor. (page no.218)
3. Distinguish Between: (any three): 4 each
a) Public Place and Private Place (page no.48)
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