Page 464 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 464
The Insurance Times
OCTOBER - 2011
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
Answer EIGHT questions only. Question number TEN
carries 16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other
questions carry 12 marks each.
1. Answer (any three) of the following 4 each
a) What do you understand by “Own Damage” (page no.33)
b) What risks are covered under “Own Damage” Section
of Private Car Package Policy. (page no.136)
c) Private Cars category. (page no. 27)
d) Vintage Car (page no. 162)
2. Reply to any three of the following 4 each
a) Distinguish between P.A. cover for owner Driver &
P.A. for other than owner Driver. (page no. 176)
b) Compensation under section 140 and Compensation
under section 166 of M.V. Act. (page no.65 & 74)
c) Define insurable interest in context of motor insurance.
(page no. 13)
d) In what manner Principle of ‘Untmost Good Faith’ is
altered in motor T.P. claims? (page no. 15 )
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