Page 467 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 467

Guide for Motor Insurance

               MAY- 2012

Time: 3 Hours                      Total Marks : 100

Answer EIDGHT questions only. Question number
TEN carries 16 marks but this is not compulsory. All

          other questions carry 12 marks each.

1. Write in brief about any of                  4 each
    the following Three
    a) Return to Invoice (page no.185)
    b) Engine Protector (page no.188)
    c) Spot Assistance (page no. 188)
    d) Keys Replacement (page no.187)

2. Replay to the point                          4 each

Any Three of the following :

a) EFfece5 of death of insured person in T.P. claims

b) 'Duty to Furnish Information' requirement under MV

Act. (page no.270)

c) Structured formula of compensation u/s163 of MV Act.

(page no.82 )

d) Definition of 'Grievous Hurt'.

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