Page 470 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 470

The Insurance Times

          NOVEMBER- 2012

Time: 3 Hours                      Total Marks : 100

Answer EIGHT questions only. Question number TEN
  is compulsory which carries 16 marks. Any SEVEN
    questions from Q.1 to Q.9 carries 12 marks each

1. Write in brief abut any                                 4 each

three of the following:

a) Vehicle details in Motor Proposal Form (page no. 198)

b) "Persons or classes of persons to drive" Clause I a

Certificate of Insurance (page no. 201)

c) "Limitations as to use" in a Private Car Insurance Policy

(page no. 202)

d) Use of IMT endorsements in Motor Policies

2. Answer any three of the following:                      4 each

a) What is the relevance of Principle of Utmost Good Faith

in Motor Insurance? (page no. 15)

b) Define 'Trailer' (page no. 50)

c) When does the Subrogation arises in Motor Insurance?

Whether it is relevant in India? (page no. 22)

d) How insurable interest arises in Motor TP Insurance

(page no.17)

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