Page 465 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 465

Guide for Motor Insurance

3. Write in short on any three                  4 each

a) Examine use of cover note in motor insurance.

(page no. 203)

b) Describe ‘Vehicle Paticulars’ in motor Proposal Form.

(page no.198)

c) Contributory Negligence. (page no. 275)

d) Survey Report. (page no. 243)

4. Write in brief on any two                    6 each

a) Functions of Lok Adalats. (page no. 89)

b) Importance of ‘use of motor vehicle’ in motor

underwriting. (page no. 215)

c) What is MACT? (page no.72)

5. Answer any two :                             6 each

a) What is ‘staement & interest’ of motor T.P. Pool?

(page no.311 )

b) Who can prefer T.P. claims.

c) What is the scope of cover in T.P. with Fire & Theft

cover and Five & / or Theft only policy.

6. Give Examples of the following (Any Two) : 6 each
    a) Constructive Total Loss Claims. (page no. 264)
    b) Input Claims Data. (page no. 335)
    c) How does General Insurance Industry plays role in
         promoting road safety? (page no. 208)

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