Page 471 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
P. 471
Guide for Motor Insurance
3. Define any three of the following: 4 each
a) Agricultural Vehicle
b) Property (page no. 68)
c) Gross Vehicle Weight (page no.153)
d) Maxicab
4. Distinguish between 6 each
any two of the following:
a) Cash loss and Cashless Settlement (page no.242 & 245)
b) Certificate of Insurance and Registration Certificate
(page no. 42 & 393)
c) Public Service Vehicle and Private Service Vehicle
(page no. 48 & 49)
5. Write in brief about 6 each
any two of the following :
a) Additional covers available under Liability Policy
(page no.108)
b) Scope of cover under Motor Trade 'B' Policy
(page no.141)
c) Discuss any three discounts Provided in Motor
Insurance highlighting their importance (page no.191)
6. Write short notes on 6 each
any two of the following:
a) Vintage Cars (page no. 162)
b) Extension of Geographical area (page no. 161)
c) Endorsements (page no.197)
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