Page 23 - Banking Finance June 2023
P. 23



          'No GST exemption on pil-         landmark 'Kesavananda Bharati' judg-  case, sons of the two former judges
                                            ment barring the Parliament  from  fastidiously imbibe the basic structure
          grims'  accommodation
                                            amending the basic structure of the  in their approach to constitutional
          outside a religious place         Constitution,  including fundamental  cases.
                                            rights, the Supreme Court uploaded on
          A charitable trust providing accommo-
                                            its website the entire records of the
          dation  to  pilgrims  visiting  Ambaji                               Apex  court  alters  ap-
                                            watershed ruling along with the 11
          Temple in a building located outside
                                            different opinions given by the mem- proach to resolving trans-
          the boundary of the religious place will
                                            bers of the SC's largest-ever 13-judge
          not get GST exemption, rules Gujarat's                               fer pricing disputes
          Authority for Advance Rulings (GAAR).                                In a significant ruling, the Supreme
                                            The bench, comprising then CJI SM Sikri  Court on April 19, 2023, set aside an
          The  applicant  Ahmedabad  based
                                            and Justices JM Shelat, KS Hegde, AN  earlier Karnataka High Court ruling
          Nandini Ashram Trust provides accom-
                                            Grover, AN Ray, PJ Reddy, DG Palekar,  which held that in all cases where the
          modation to pilgrims who visit  the
                                            HR Khanna, KK Mathew, MH Beg, SN
          Ambaji Temple and the room rent is Rs.                               Income Tax Appellate  Tribunal (ITAT)
                                            Dwivedi,  BK  Mukherjea  and  YV
          1,000 per day. It is also engaged in                                 has determined the arm's length price
                                            Chandrachud, by a slenderest 7-6 mar-  (ALP), the determination of the ITAT is
          providing a wide range of professional
                                            gin had ruled that under Article 368 of
          consulting services  such as architec-                               final and cannot be the subject matter
                                            the Constitution "the power to amend
          ture, engineering, planning, urban de-                               of scrutiny by the High Court.
                                            does not include the power to alter the
          sign, landscape,  sustainability,  re-                               The apex court held that any ALP de-
                                            basic structure or framework of the
          search and art, building design, interior                            termined outside the purview of rel-
                                            Constitution so as to change its iden-
          design, surveying, environmental sci-                                evant transfer pricing (TP) provisions
          ences,  project  management  and                                     can  be considered as 'perverse'  and
                                            The 'basic  structure doctrine'  was
          project economics. It moved to AAR to                                may be considered as a substantial
                                            agreed to by CJI Sikri, and Justices
          seek advance ruling on  whether it                                   question of law.
                                            Shelat, Hegde, Grover, Khanna, Reddy
          needs  GST registration  and whether                                 The Supreme Court ruling shall have
                                            and Mukherjea. Those who disagreed
          the services come under the purview                                  far-reaching implications for taxpayers
                                            were Justices Ray, Palekar,  Mathew,
          of GST regime.
                                            Beg, Dwivedi and Chandrachud. While  in India, including on a large number
                                                                               of cases covered by High Court rulings
                                            Justice Mathew's son K M Joseph is a
          SC marks 50 yrs of historic
                                            sitting SC judge, Justice Chanrachud's  that had relied on the Karnataka HC
          'basic structure' ruling                                             ruling.
                                            son is the present CJI. In contrast to
          Celebrating the 50th anniversary of its  their fathers' views in the Kesavananda  The SC ruling has restored TP issues to
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